By Talos Group Today an out of band advisory was released by Microsoft to address CVE-2015-2502 . This vulnerability is addressed by MS15-093 . MS15-093 address a memory corruption vulnerability in Internet Explorer versions 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. This affects all currently supported versions of Windows, including Windows 10. This advisory is rated critical. An attacker can craft a web page designed to exploit this vulnerability and lure a user into visiting it. The compromise will result in remote code execution at the []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Fortinet Unveils Mid-Range Security Solution Uniquely Designed for Next Generation Edge and Internal Segmentation Firewall Applications

Source:: Fortinet

Fortinet Unveils Mid-Range Security Solution Uniquely Designed for Next Generation Edge and Internal Segmentation Firewall Applications

Source:: Fortinet

Unser Technologie-Partner Fortinet hat sein Wireless-LAN Portfolio deutlich erweitert. Durch die Übernahme von Meru Networks, einem führenden Anbieter von WLAN Infrastruktur für komplexe Umgebungen, wurde das eigene Portfolio nach oben sinnvoll erweitert.

Meru Wireless Lösungen unterscheiden sich von herkömmlichen Anbietern u.a. durch:

  • Air Traffic Control, d.h. im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Infrastrukturen, regelt hier der Controller und nicht der Client den Netzzugang
  • Air Time Fairness, d.h. jeder Client erhält „seine“ Bandbreite
  • Single Channel, d.h. durch die Verwendung nur eines Kanales werden beste Verfügbarkeit, einfache Installation und Erweiterbarkeit erreicht
  • Channel Layering, d.h. durch mehrere Schichten wird eine höhere Kapazität nutzbar gemacht
  • RF Virtualization, d.h. unterbrechungsfreies Roaming, nahtlose Mobilität und transparentes Load Balancing durch Virutal Cell und Virtual Port

Dadurch wird schnell auch der bislang von Meru adressierte Markt deutlich: Schulen, Universitäten, Gesundheitswesen, Gastgewerbe, sowie Logistik- und Produktionsunternehmen.


Oberberg-Online ist aktuell auch dem Meru Partnerprogramm beigetreten, so dass bis zur Integration in das Fortinet-Partnerprogramm hier bereits Themen adressiert werden können. Die technischen Vorzüge der Meru Lösung werden u.a. im Rahmen des Oberberg-Online Security Updates am 16.09.2015 beleuchtet. Agenda und Anmeldung hierzu finden Sie hier.

Sollten Sie nähere Informationen zu Meru wünschen, so freuen wir uns über Ihren Anruf unter 02261 9155050 oder Ihre Mail an

By Eric Wenger As part of a broader “Cybersecurity Call to Action” outlined in the Cisco 2015 Midyear Security Report , Cisco has called for the development of a cohesive, multi-stakeholder, global cybergovernance framework. Investing in the development of such a framework is essential to supporting innovation and economic growth in business on the global stage. While there has been an increasing awareness that managing cyber risks is essential to the operation of any networked system, current mechanisms are not effective to protect businesses from cyberattacks. The lack []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Eric Wenger As part of a broader “Cybersecurity Call to Action” outlined in the Cisco 2015 Midyear Security Report , Cisco has called for the development of a cohesive, multi-stakeholder, global cybergovernance framework. Investing in the development of such a framework is essential to supporting innovation and economic growth in business on the global stage. While there has been an increasing awareness that managing cyber risks is essential to the operation of any networked system, current mechanisms are not effective to protect businesses from cyberattacks. The lack []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Talos, in conjunction with Apple’s security advisory issued on August 13, is releasing five advisories for vulnerabilities that Talos found in Apple Quicktime. In accordance with our Vendor Vulnerability Reporting and Disclosure policy, these vulnerabilities have been reported to Apple and CERT. This post serves as a summary for the advisories being released in coordination with Apple and CERT. Ryan Pentney and Richard Johnson of Talos are credited with the discovery of these vulnerabilities. Advisory Summary Several memory corruption vulnerabilities exist in Apple Quicktime []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Talos, in conjunction with Apple’s security advisory issued on August 13, is releasing five advisories for vulnerabilities that Talos found in Apple Quicktime. In accordance with our Vendor Vulnerability Reporting and Disclosure policy, these vulnerabilities have been reported to Apple and CERT. This post serves as a summary for the advisories being released in coordination with Apple and CERT. Ryan Pentney and Richard Johnson of Talos are credited with the discovery of these vulnerabilities. Advisory Summary Several memory corruption vulnerabilities exist in Apple Quicktime []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Marc Solomon Last year was one of the biggest years for retail data breaches, with credit card data from well over 106 million shoppers stolen from two of America’s largest retailers alone. The attacks shook consumer confidence, eroded brand loyalty, and cost the industry millions of dollars. Even though the retail and security industries have been talking about compliance and security for more than a decade, breaches continue. And while research shows that compliance with PCI DSS has improved in recent years, []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Marc Solomon Last year was one of the biggest years for retail data breaches, with credit card data from well over 106 million shoppers stolen from two of America’s largest retailers alone. The attacks shook consumer confidence, eroded brand loyalty, and cost the industry millions of dollars. Even though the retail and security industries have been talking about compliance and security for more than a decade, breaches continue. And while research shows that compliance with PCI DSS has improved in recent years, []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice