By Jason Lamar Effective security is simple, open, and automated. In the last blog, I described several efforts by Cisco to pursue simplicity. Now let’s talk about how we are executing on the open part. Openness is about playing well with others. As a kid I heard it from my parents, and now I find myself saying it […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Jason Lamar Effective security is simple, open, and automated. In the last blog, I described several efforts by Cisco to pursue simplicity. Now let’s talk about how we are executing on the open part. Openness is about playing well with others. As a kid I heard it from my parents, and now I find myself saying it […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Jetzt umsteigen auf den IP-Anschluss für ISDN-Geräte, denn wenn erst einmal die Telekom-Kündigung auf dem Tisch liegt, wird es zeitlich kritisch.

Dabei haben Sie drei Möglichkeiten:

  1. Sie schleifen eines unserer Innovaphone-Gateways zwischen Ihren Telefonanschluss und die alte Anlage ein. Das Gateway simuliert Ihrer alten Anlage das ISDN-Amt und spricht nach außen ISDN, IP, oder eben beides parallel – damit schützen Sie Ihre Investition und sind schon heute auf alles vorbereitet.
  2. Sie ersetzen Ihre bisherige Anlage und nutzen eines unserer Innovaphone-Modelle. Dabei genießen Sie ab sofort alle Vorteile der modernen IP-Kommunikation, z.B. die Nutzung Ihres Mobiltelefons als Nebenstelle, die Integration in Ihre EDV-Welt, oder Instant Messaging, Voicemail, Fax und Video.
  3. Sie wechseln nur den Anschluss und behalten Ihre alte Anlage. Dabei stellen wir Ihnen einen IP-Anschluss zur Verfügung, der gemeinsam mit einem Gerät geliefert wird, das Ihrer alten Anlage das ISDN-Amt simuliert. Fragen Sie uns nach der office-flat NGN – mit ADSL oder VDSL-Anschluss.


Die office-flat NGN ist verfügbar ab EURO 39,90 mtl. über unseren Partner ecotel.

Wir erledigen den „Papierkram“ – Sie telefonieren im neuen Netz!

Daniel Wenzlau
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Frank Erlinghagen
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Jörg Wegner
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By Talos Group This post authored by Nick Biasini and Edmund Brumaghin with contributions from Sean Baird and Andrew Windsor. Executive Summary Talos is continuously analyzing email based malware always looking at how adversaries change and the new techniques that are being added on an almost constant basis. Recently we noticed some novel ways that adversaries are leveraging […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post authored by Nick Biasini and Edmund Brumaghin with contributions from Sean Baird and Andrew Windsor. Executive Summary Talos is continuously analyzing email based malware always looking at how adversaries change and the new techniques that are being added on an almost constant basis. Recently we noticed some novel ways that adversaries are leveraging […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Fortinet Earns Title of Ingram Micro Security Partner of the Year

Source:: Fortinet

Fortinet Earns Title of Ingram Micro Security Partner of the Year

Source:: Fortinet

By Talos Group Responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities is a key aspect of security research. Often, the difficulty in responsible disclosure is balancing competing interests – assisting a vendor with patching their product and notifying the general public to prevent a 0-day situation. It is uncomfortable to acknowledge that if a white hat team has discovered a vulnerability in […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities is a key aspect of security research. Often, the difficulty in responsible disclosure is balancing competing interests – assisting a vendor with patching their product and notifying the general public to prevent a 0-day situation. It is uncomfortable to acknowledge that if a white hat team has discovered a vulnerability in […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Shelly Giesbrecht October was National Cyber Security Awareness month and there’s been a lot of talk about how organizations should be doing more to protect their networks. One of the current trends in cyber security is that organizations are increasingly turning to trusted partners like Cisco for some or all of their incident response capability. As a […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice