By Anthony Grieco Organizations aren’t just talking about digital transformation – they’re doing it: More than 75 percent of global business leaders cite digitization as a top strategic priority and nearly seven in ten say their company will meet its digital transformation objectives this year, according to a recent survey from The Economist Intelligence Unit. To advance these […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Anthony Grieco Organizations aren’t just talking about digital transformation – they’re doing it: More than 75 percent of global business leaders cite digitization as a top strategic priority and nearly seven in ten say their company will meet its digital transformation objectives this year, according to a recent survey from The Economist Intelligence Unit. To advance these […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Mobi sucht ein Zuhause.

Mobi ist das Maskottchen unseres Herstellerpartners Innovaphone. Nachdem Mobi im Laufe des Jahres in der ganzen Welt unterwegs war ( #Mobiontour), wünscht er sich zu Weihnachten ein neues Zuhause.


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Übrigens sind wir gespannt, wie Euer Mobi sich als Christbaum-Schmuck macht…Fotos sind willkommen.

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Source:: Innovaphone