Project APT: How to Build an ICS Network and Have fun at the Same Time

By Talos Group The Industrial Control System (ICS) security team at Talos frequently see requests from peers and from students on how to build an ICS test lab. After all, the best way to learn is to get some equipment and learn with good old-fashioned hands-on tinkering. Unfortunately, many frame their test lab inquiries based on more traditional […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

2016 Forrester TEI Study Shows TrustSec Cuts Operations Costs up to 80%

By Andrew Peters Forrester Consulting recently conducted an analysis of customers using TrustSec software-defined segmentation in production networks and deduced the following: This matters today as network segmentation in the branch, campus and data center is a critical foundation for any network defense. Effective segmentation helps protect key assets and data while preventing the dangerous lateral movements of […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

2016 Forrester TEI Study Shows TrustSec Cuts Operations Costs up to 80%

By Andrew Peters Forrester Consulting recently conducted an analysis of customers using TrustSec software-defined segmentation in production networks and deduced the following: This matters today as network segmentation in the branch, campus and data center is a critical foundation for any network defense. Effective segmentation helps protect key assets and data while preventing the dangerous lateral movements of […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Industry Leading Technology Partners Adopt Fortinet’s Open Security Fabric

Industry Leading Technology Partners Adopt Fortinet’s Open Security Fabric

Source:: Fortinet

Industry Leading Technology Partners Adopt Fortinet’s Open Security Fabric

Industry Leading Technology Partners Adopt Fortinet’s Open Security Fabric

Source:: Fortinet

G DATA Ratgeber – Was ist eigentlich ein Zombie?

Zombies! An was denken Sie jetzt? An lebende Leichen, die sich nachts auf Friedhöfen herumtreiben? An die Endzeitstimmung aus „The Walking Dead“? Was alle Zombies aus dem Fernsehen gemein haben, ist, dass sie nur noch an eines denken können: Menschenfleisch. Gespannt verfolgen die Zuschauer, wie Scharen von willenlosen Untoten über die TV-Bildschirme ziehen und wähnen sich auf der heimischen Couch in Sicherheit – während im Internet digitale Zombies ihr Unwesen treiben und wie ferngesteuert Attacken ausführen. Wir zeigen Ihnen, was die Zombies aus Film und Fernsehen mit den Cyber-Zombies gemeinsam haben.Zombie_PC_Cartoon_RGB_66204w300h206

Unser Technologie-Partner G DATA zeigt in diesem Artikel, was ein Zombie-PC ist und beantwortet Fragen nach Infektionswegen und den Gefahren, die von solchen Zombies ausgehen.

Da Zombies und Botnetze thematisch sehr eng miteinander verwoben sind, empfehlen wir hier noch kurz die Lektüre des Artikels zum Thema Bots.

Alle Sicherheitsprodukte unseres Technologie-Partners G DATA erhalten Sie bei diesen Kollegen:

DSC_2022 klein
Jörg Wegner
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DSC_2012 klein
Frank Erlinghagen
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Daniel Wenzlau
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The Rising Tides of Spam

By Talos Group This blog post was authored by Jaeson Schultz. For the past five years we have enjoyed a relatively calm period with respect to spam volumes. Back at the turn of the decade the world was experiencing record-high volumes of spam. However, with the evolution of new anti-spam technologies, combined with some high-profile takedowns of spam-related […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

The Rising Tides of Spam

By Talos Group This blog post was authored by Jaeson Schultz. For the past five years we have enjoyed a relatively calm period with respect to spam volumes. Back at the turn of the decade the world was experiencing record-high volumes of spam. However, with the evolution of new anti-spam technologies, combined with some high-profile takedowns of spam-related […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

The True Value of Network Security Monitoring

By TK Keanini The Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) conducted research into how cybersecurity professionals view network security monitoring and how they use it in their organization. The report Network Security Monitoring Trends surveyed 200 IT and cybersecurity professionals who have a knowledge of or responsibility for network security monitoring. Some of the key findings include: Many organizations now […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

The True Value of Network Security Monitoring

By TK Keanini The Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) conducted research into how cybersecurity professionals view network security monitoring and how they use it in their organization. The report Network Security Monitoring Trends surveyed 200 IT and cybersecurity professionals who have a knowledge of or responsibility for network security monitoring. Some of the key findings include: Many organizations now […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice