By Talos Group This post authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Erick Galinkin. Exploit kits have been a recurring threat that we’ve discussed here on this blog as a method of driving users to maliciousness. Users typically encounter exploit kit landing pages through compromised websites and malvertising. However, we’ve found a new email twist to the standard […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post was authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Tom Schoellhammer and Emmanuel Tacheau The threat landscape is ever changing and adversaries are always working to find more efficient ways to compromise users. One of the many ways that users are driven to malicious content is through malicious advertisements known as malvertising. Talos has […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post was authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Tom Schoellhammer and Emmanuel Tacheau The threat landscape is ever changing and adversaries are always working to find more efficient ways to compromise users. One of the many ways that users are driven to malicious content is through malicious advertisements known as malvertising. Talos has […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Innovaphone V12 Zertifizierung – check.

Die technischen Kollegen der Oberberg-Online haben die Zertifizierungsprüfung für die neueste Innovaphone Telefonanlagen-Version PBX V12 absolviert und mit Auszeichnung bestanden. Herzlichen Glückwunsch.

In der Version 12 wurde vor allen Dingen die ohnehin bereits werksseitig implementierte Sicherheitstechnologie noch einmal massiv erweitert. Themen sind hier der Session Border Controller und der Reverse Proxy zur sicheren Anbindung von externen Teilnehmern (Anywhere workplace). Insbesondere der immer stärker werdenden Anforderung nach mobilen Arbeitsplätzen und sicherem Zugriff auf die Bürofunktionalitäten wird hier Rechnung getragen.

Natürlich wird auch das hochaktuelle Thema All-IP bedient. Innovaphone führt hier fortlaufende Kompatibilitätstests mit SIP-Providern durch und hinterlegt in der Anlagensoftware ausgewählte Anbieterprofile zur einfacheren Umstellung auf die neue Technologie.

Mittels der neuen myPBX Toolbox steht Web-Entwicklern die einfache Möglichkeit zur Verfügung, um auf der Unternehmenswebseite z.B. einen „Call Me Button“ mit direkter Verbindung zu einem definierten internen Ansprechpartner einrichten. Ansprechpartner können auf der Webseite auch mit Verfügbarkeitsanzeige dargestellt werden und direkt per Mausklick angerufen werden. WebRTC macht dieses sehr einfach möglich – so sind z.B. auch Video-Anrufe über den Browser möglich, ohne dass der Anrufer besondere Hardware benötigt.

Was die Innovaphone PBX V12 sonst noch alles kann, zeigen wir Ihnen gerne auch live und in Farbe bei uns im Demo-Center. Rufen Sie an und vereinbaren einen Termin unter 02261 9155050 oder schreiben Sie an

Die Highlights der Innovaphone PBX V12 finden Sie gesammelt in dieser Broschüre.


By Richard Staynings If you worked with just about any hospital or healthcare provider a mere ten years ago you may have come across the Information Security Manager, Director of Security and Compliance, or someone who filled this role under another title. Their role was to lead ‘IT Security‘ and manage a small staff of security administrators or […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Richard Staynings If you worked with just about any hospital or healthcare provider a mere ten years ago you may have come across the Information Security Manager, Director of Security and Compliance, or someone who filled this role under another title. Their role was to lead ‘IT Security‘ and manage a small staff of security administrators or […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Michelle Fleury All organizations depend, at least in part, on their data to carry out day-to-day operations. Yet new, high-profile data breaches are reported every week, and the costs of those breaches continue to rise The core elements of an incident response program are straightforward and quick to establish. Let’s take a look at the critical processes […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Michelle Fleury All organizations depend, at least in part, on their data to carry out day-to-day operations. Yet new, high-profile data breaches are reported every week, and the costs of those breaches continue to rise The core elements of an incident response program are straightforward and quick to establish. Let’s take a look at the critical processes […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group We are pleased to announce the availability of the cryptolocker 4 white paper. Over the past year, Talos has devoted a significant amount of time to better understanding how ransomware operates, its relation to other malware, and its economic impact. This research has proven valuable for Talos and led the development of better detection methods […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group We are pleased to announce the availability of the cryptolocker 4 white paper. Over the past year, Talos has devoted a significant amount of time to better understanding how ransomware operates, its relation to other malware, and its economic impact. This research has proven valuable for Talos and led the development of better detection methods […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice