Archiv für das Jahr: 2016
Oberberg-Online wird 20 – Gewinnspiel März
Auf zur zweiten Gewinnspielrunde in unserem Jubiläumsjahr. Im März gibt es 5 mal je ein USB-Headset h340 von Logitech zu gewinnen.
Seit 20 Jahren sind wir der IT- und TK-Dienstleister und Lösungsanbieter für den Mittelstand im Bergischen Land.
Unser Jubiläumsgewinnspiel bietet bis zur Jubiläumsveranstaltung im Oktober monatlich die Möglichkeit, attraktive Preise zu erhalten. Auf unserer Webseite wird die jeweilige Spielrunde angekündigt und mit der korrekten Beantwortung der Gewinnspielfrage landen Sie auch schon im Lostopf des jeweiligen Monats. Alle Fragen lassen sich mit Hilfe unserer Webseite beantworten. Die Lösung findet man z.B. im Bereich unserer Technologiepartner.
Los geht´s hier: Oberberg-Online Jubiläumsgewinnspiel
By Andrew Peters We know that organizations today must digitize to thrive, with the CIO and IT teams at the helm of the transformational journey. Why does this matter? Because businesses must find ways to deliver more modern business operations as well as satisfying customer and workplace experiences or quickly fall behind their digitized competitors. This digital transformation needs technology platforms made for digital business to bring-out new applications faster, make IT quicker and simpler – and of course do this all securely. […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
By Andrew Peters We know that organizations today must digitize to thrive, with the CIO and IT teams at the helm of the transformational journey. Why does this matter? Because businesses must find ways to deliver more modern business operations as well as satisfying customer and workplace experiences or quickly fall behind their digitized competitors. This digital transformation needs technology platforms made for digital business to bring-out new applications faster, make IT quicker and simpler – and of course do this all securely. […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
By Joseph O’Laughlin IT Teams gain insight and focus with the industry’s most comprehensive NGFW management – before, during and after attacks. As we discussed in our last two posts, most organizations today secure their networks using disparate technologies that are unable to work together. Legacy NGFWs are not threat-focused but rather focused rather on controlling applications. Nor are they fully integrated from a security perspective (which we covered in our last post ) or from a management perspective, which we’ll tackle in this post. In order to […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
By Joseph O’Laughlin IT Teams gain insight and focus with the industry’s most comprehensive NGFW management – before, during and after attacks. As we discussed in our last two posts, most organizations today secure their networks using disparate technologies that are unable to work together. Legacy NGFWs are not threat-focused but rather focused rather on controlling applications. Nor are they fully integrated from a security perspective (which we covered in our last post ) or from a management perspective, which we’ll tackle in this post. In order to […]
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
By Talos Group This post was authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Joel Esler and Melissa Taylor Talos has discussed at length the sophistication of the Angler exploit kit. One thing that always makes Angler stand apart is the speed with which they develop and implement new techniques. Whether its domain shadowing, 302 cushioning, encrypted payloads, or quick exploit development Angler is constantly trying to maintain its lead in the exploit kit arms race. Recently we noticed some changes in Angler. Read More >>
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
By Talos Group This post was authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Joel Esler and Melissa Taylor Talos has discussed at length the sophistication of the Angler exploit kit. One thing that always makes Angler stand apart is the speed with which they develop and implement new techniques. Whether its domain shadowing, 302 cushioning, encrypted payloads, or quick exploit development Angler is constantly trying to maintain its lead in the exploit kit arms race. Recently we noticed some changes in Angler. Read More >>
Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Fujitsu Sonderaktion – Einen kaufen, zwei bekommen
Jetzt schnell sein und im März noch von den Fujitsu Top-Aktionen zum Ende des Geschäftsjahres profitieren:
„Einen Kaufen, zwei abräumen“:
Beim Kauf eines FUJITSU Server PRIMERGY TX1310 M1 erhaltet Ihr momentan einen zweiten kostenlos dazu. Schnell sein lohnt sich: Das Angebot gilt nur, solange der Vorrat reicht, ist auf maximal 6 Geräte je Unternehmen beschränkt und gilt nur für beim Distributor lagernde »value4you«-Artikel. Schnelle Anfragen an uns unter 02261 9155050 oder
„Double Power 4 Free“:
Noch bis zum 31.03. erhaltet ihr beim Kauf eines PRIMERGY VFY Server (außer TX1310) entweder einen 2. Prozessor kostenlos dazu oder könnt den Arbeitsspeicher verdoppeln. Auch hier gilt: Eure Anfragen direkt an uns unter 02261 9155050 oder stellen und von der Aktion profitieren!
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