By Talos Group Over the past few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as reality with the advent of smart refrigerators, smart HVAC systems, smart TVs, and more. Embedding internet-enabled devices into everything presents new opportunities in connecting these systems to each other, making them “smarter,” and making our lives more convenient than ever before. Despite the new possibilities, there are major concerns about the IoT which inspire a legitimate question: “What happens if it’s not ‘done right‘ and there are []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Over the past few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as reality with the advent of smart refrigerators, smart HVAC systems, smart TVs, and more. Embedding internet-enabled devices into everything presents new opportunities in connecting these systems to each other, making them “smarter,” and making our lives more convenient than ever before. Despite the new possibilities, there are major concerns about the IoT which inspire a legitimate question: “What happens if it’s not ‘done right‘ and there are []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Installation von Windows 10 wird forciert

Allen Nutzern von Windows 7 und Windows 8.1, die eine Reservierung für das kostenfreie Upgrade auf Windows 10 vorgenommen haben, möchte Microsoft nun den Upgrade-Prozess automatisiert auferlegen (vgl. Microsoft Knowledge-Base Artikel 3140166). Geplant ist wohl, den Nutzern einen Hinweis einzuspielen, dass das Upgrade in 5 Tagen erfolgen würde.

ACHTUNG: Das gilt nun entgegen den bisherigen Gepflogenheiten auch für Nutzer in Domänen, sofern deren Updates nicht mittels WSUS-Server oder System Center Configuration Manager erfolgen.

Zur Verhinderung des Upgrades muss der Nutzer selbst aktiv werden, so Microsoft. Wie das von statten geht, soll laut Artikel während des Installationshinweises eingeblendet werden.

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Fortinet Announces Participation in Upcoming Investment Conferences

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Fortinet Announces Participation in Upcoming Investment Conferences

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Source:: Innovaphone

Source:: Innovaphone

Source:: Innovaphone

Source:: Innovaphone

Source:: Innovaphone