Taking the Necessary Cybersecurity Steps Forward with Federal Government Programs

By Larry Payne As government agencies begin deploying cloud solutions and strategizing to meet cloud IT modernization mandates, a question arises – what will the future of the agency look like when they update their systems and start implementing cloud solutions? And further, possibly most important – will cybersecurity protocols hold up? There are many cybersecurity solutions available […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Taking the Necessary Cybersecurity Steps Forward with Federal Government Programs

By Larry Payne As government agencies begin deploying cloud solutions and strategizing to meet cloud IT modernization mandates, a question arises – what will the future of the agency look like when they update their systems and start implementing cloud solutions? And further, possibly most important – will cybersecurity protocols hold up? There are many cybersecurity solutions available […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Disassembler and Runtime Analysis

By Talos Group This post was authored by Paul Rascagneres. Introduction In the CCleaner 64bit stage 2 previously described in our blog, we explained that the attacker modified a legitimate executable that is part of “Symantec Endpoint”. This file is named EFACli64.dll. The modification is performed in the runtime code included by the compiler, more precisely in the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Disassembler and Runtime Analysis

By Talos Group This post was authored by Paul Rascagneres. Introduction In the CCleaner 64bit stage 2 previously described in our blog, we explained that the attacker modified a legitimate executable that is part of “Symantec Endpoint”. This file is named EFACli64.dll. The modification is performed in the runtime code included by the compiler, more precisely in the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

FUJITSU Aktionsmodelle Oktober 2017

Im Herbst planen viele IT-Verantwortliche zum Einen die Verwendung der letzten Budgetpositionen, zum Anderen beginnt auch die Etatplanung für das kommende Jahr.

Anregungen zur Verwendung bieten wir gerne. Sei es mit den Aktionsmodellen unseres Partners FUJITSU für den Oktober (hier klicken für Server und Storage, hier klicken für Desktop-Systeme und hier klicken für Mobiles) , oder auch im persönlichen Planungsgespräch für 2018. Sprechen Sie uns gerne an, wir besuchen Sie zum Wunschtermin.

Daniel Wenzlau
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Frank Erlinghagen
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Jörg Wegner
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Spoofed SEC Emails Distribute Evolved DNSMessenger

By Talos Group This post was authored by Edmund Brumaghin, Colin Grady, with contributions from Dave Maynor and @Simpo13. Executive Summary Cisco Talos previously published research into a targeted attack that leveraged an interesting infection process using DNS TXT records to create a bidirectional command and control (C2) channel. Using this channel, the attackers were able to directly […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Spoofed SEC Emails Distribute Evolved DNSMessenger

By Talos Group This post was authored by Edmund Brumaghin, Colin Grady, with contributions from Dave Maynor and @Simpo13. Executive Summary Cisco Talos previously published research into a targeted attack that leveraged an interesting infection process using DNS TXT records to create a bidirectional command and control (C2) channel. Using this channel, the attackers were able to directly […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Security in Your DNA: Tips for Securing Your Network

By Aunudrei Oliver Cisco Stealthwatch and Identity Services Engine (ISE) are key components required to transform your network into a sensor capable of enforcing your security policies. But how do you incorporate automation on your network to full advantage? How do you validate that the existing policy aligns with the company’s overall security posture? And how can you […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Security in Your DNA: Tips for Securing Your Network

By Aunudrei Oliver Cisco Stealthwatch and Identity Services Engine (ISE) are key components required to transform your network into a sensor capable of enforcing your security policies. But how do you incorporate automation on your network to full advantage? How do you validate that the existing policy aligns with the company’s overall security posture? And how can you […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

How is a Stateful Firewall like a Vintage Porsche?

By Susan Runowicz-Smith “Dad, I love your vintage Porsche! But is it safe?” This is the conversation my 90-year old neighbor recently had with his adult children. The Porsche he inherited from his late father-in-law is a thing of beauty – sleek, classic body, and driven once or twice a week. The low-mileage 911 has been maintained meticulously […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice