By Lindsay van Gemert Back in July we announced the integration of Cisco Advanced Malware Protection with the Meraki MX. The AMP integration with the MX provided a simple and effective way for MX customers to detect, monitor and remediate advanced threats in their environment. We’re now taking this protection a step further with the integration of Threat Grid […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Lindsay van Gemert Back in July we announced the integration of Cisco Advanced Malware Protection with the Meraki MX. The AMP integration with the MX provided a simple and effective way for MX customers to detect, monitor and remediate advanced threats in their environment. We’re now taking this protection a step further with the integration of Threat Grid […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Kevin Skahill Imagine going to the doctor for a routine checkup. After greeting you, the physician pulls up your medical records on his tablet, but instead of your medical history, this screen pops up: Now imagine if you were waiting on the results of a biopsy, or if the ultrasound machine displayed this screen instead of your […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Kevin Skahill Imagine going to the doctor for a routine checkup. After greeting you, the physician pulls up your medical records on his tablet, but instead of your medical history, this screen pops up: Now imagine if you were waiting on the results of a biopsy, or if the ultrasound machine displayed this screen instead of your […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post was authored by Sean Baird with contributions by Doug Sibley and Yuxi Pan Executive Summary For the past several months, the problem of “fake news” has been abuzz in news headlines, tweets, and social media posts across the web. With historical roots in information warfare and disinformation, “fake news” is a different kind […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post was authored by Sean Baird with contributions by Doug Sibley and Yuxi Pan Executive Summary For the past several months, the problem of “fake news” has been abuzz in news headlines, tweets, and social media posts across the web. With historical roots in information warfare and disinformation, “fake news” is a different kind […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Omar Santos A few months ago, I wrote about the new OASIS Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) Technical Committee (TC). The purpose of the CSAF Technical Committee is to standardize the practices for structured machine-readable security vulnerability-related advisories. And then we will further refine those standards over time. The Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework (CVRF) Version 1.2, the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Omar Santos A few months ago, I wrote about the new OASIS Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) Technical Committee (TC). The purpose of the CSAF Technical Committee is to standardize the practices for structured machine-readable security vulnerability-related advisories. And then we will further refine those standards over time. The Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework (CVRF) Version 1.2, the […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Gleich drei neue Geräte bringen frischen Wind in das Workstation-Portfolio unseres Technologie-Partners FUJITSU. Neben einer mobilen Variante, sind ab sofort auch zwei neue Desktop-Systeme verfügbar.

Die mobile Workstation Celsius H770 bringt neben der aktuellsten Intel E3 CPU und aktueller Nvidia Quadro Grafik auch den von FUJITSU entwickelten und patentierten Palm Secure Handvenenscanner mit. Der Port-Replikator ist kompatibel mit den aktuellen FUJITSU Notebook-Modellen, so dass das in vielen Unternehmen praktizierte Shared-Desk-Modell deutlich erleichtert wird. Den UVP gibt FUJITSU für die Einstiegsvariante mit EURO 1.399,00 an.

Als Nachfolgemodell der Reihe Celsius J550 geht die Celsius J550/2 ins Rennen. Trotz kleiner Bauweise werden Grafikkarten in voller Bauhöhe bis zur Nvidia Quadro P2000 unterstützt. Bis zu elf Monitore können bei entsprechendem Ausbau von der J550/2 angesteuert werden, so dass man sich als Einsatzgebiet Leitstände oder Videoüberwachung gut vorstellen kann. Der Preis für das Einstiegsmodell beginnt bei EURO 779,00.

Drittes Modell im Bunde ist die Celsius W570, bei der vor Allem der Ansatz der Energieeffizienz im Fokus steht. Die Angabe von 280 Watt ist für eine Workstation quasi ein „Diätprogramm“. Auch hier liegt der empfohlene Einstiegspreis bei freundlichen EURO 779,00.


Alle drei Modelle – natürlich auch in individueller Konfiguration – gibt es beim FUJITSU Select Expert Partner Oberberg-Online:

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Frank Erlinghagen
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Daniel Wenzlau
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DSC_2022 klein
Jörg Wegner
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By Talos Group Executive Summary This blog was authored by Paul Rascagneres and Warren Mercer with contributions from Emmanuel Tacheau, Vanja Svajcer and Martin Lee. Talos continuously monitors malicious emails campaigns. We identified one specific spear phishing campaign launched against targets within Palestine, and specifically against Palestinian law enforcement agencies. This campaign started in April 2017, using a […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice