Hello, GDPR Enforcement

By Michelle Dennedy It’s here. The much anticipated, oft-discussed, enforcement date of May 25 for the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has arrived.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Hello, GDPR Enforcement

By Michelle Dennedy It’s here. The much anticipated, oft-discussed, enforcement date of May 25 for the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has arrived.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Sicherheitsthemen ohne Fach-Chinesisch?

Heute gibt es die erste Aufzeichnung der diesjährigen Sicherheitskonferenz Troopers. Wir waren wieder gerne vor Ort und haben alle Augen und Ohren offen gehalten, um aktuelle Themen und Trends im Sicherheitsumfeld aus den Bereichen Unternehmen, Forschung, Lehre und Hacking für Euch mitzubringen.

Dr. Kelley Misata und Diana Kelley haben einen spannenden Vortrag zum Thema Sprachgebrauch im Security-Umfeld gehalten. Eigentlich ist das ein „Wachrüttler“ auch für uns, denn viel zu oft verlieren wir uns ja im Alltagsgeschäft in einer technischen Ausdrucksweise, die für Euch nicht immer leicht zugänglich ist.

Hier unser Angebot: Lasst uns Eure Fragen zukommen und wir beantworten diese in „Normalsprache“, ohne Fach-Chinesisch.




The Importance of an Information Security Strategy in Mergers and Acquisitions

By Nick Kelly Organizations that engage in M&A should include an information security strategy as part of the process.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

The Importance of an Information Security Strategy in Mergers and Acquisitions

By Nick Kelly Organizations that engage in M&A should include an information security strategy as part of the process.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Collaborating with NCSU to deliver certificate validation and crypto validation reusable implementations.

By Panos Kampanakis Cryptography is very important in today’s world. Improper or maliciously altered crypto implementations have been a concern for the industry in recent years.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Collaborating with NCSU to deliver certificate validation and crypto validation reusable implementations.

By Panos Kampanakis Cryptography is very important in today’s world. Improper or maliciously altered crypto implementations have been a concern for the industry in recent years.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Joining the Charter of Trust

By Anthony Grieco At Cisco, we chose to join the Charter because it closely aligns with our core values and principles we use to establish explicit trust with our customers and industry partners.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice