Einträge von Technik Support

Piecing Together Malicious Behavior in Encrypted Traffic

By Jan Kohout This post was authored by Jan Kohout, Veronica Valeros and Petr Somol. Increasing adoption of encryption in web communication significantly contributes to protection of users‘ privacy. However, it also brings tough challenges for intrusion detection systems that need to analyze the traffic without actually decrypting it. There is not much information left […]

Piecing Together Malicious Behavior in Encrypted Traffic

By Jan Kohout This post was authored by Jan Kohout, Veronica Valeros and Petr Somol. Increasing adoption of encryption in web communication significantly contributes to protection of users‘ privacy. However, it also brings tough challenges for intrusion detection systems that need to analyze the traffic without actually decrypting it. There is not much information left […]

Turning Cybersecurity into a Strategic Advantage

By Ashley Arbuckle Most C-suite leaders think about cybersecurity as a way to stop threats. But in today’s intensely competitive digital economy they should be thinking about cybersecurity as a strategic advantage that not only protects business value, but enables new business value. The prevailing focus on threats to protect business value isn’t surprising. Modern […]

Turning Cybersecurity into a Strategic Advantage

By Ashley Arbuckle Most C-suite leaders think about cybersecurity as a way to stop threats. But in today’s intensely competitive digital economy they should be thinking about cybersecurity as a strategic advantage that not only protects business value, but enables new business value. The prevailing focus on threats to protect business value isn’t surprising. Modern […]

MBRFilter – Can’t Touch This!

By Talos Group This post was authored by Edmund Brumaghin Summary Ransomware has become increasingly prevalent in the industry, and in many cases, unless there is a publicly released decryptor available, there is often not an easy means of retrieving encrypted files once a system has been infected. In addition to the creation and maintenance […]

MBRFilter – Can’t Touch This!

By Talos Group This post was authored by Edmund Brumaghin Summary Ransomware has become increasingly prevalent in the industry, and in many cases, unless there is a publicly released decryptor available, there is often not an easy means of retrieving encrypted files once a system has been infected. In addition to the creation and maintenance […]

Combatting Cybercrime with an Incident Response Plan

By Sean Mason Based on the cybersecurity news proliferating in the mainstream media today – from ransomware incidents to data breaches of massive proportions – it has become clear that organizations need to put security mechanisms in place to protect their IT infrastructure. Organizations commonly use anti-virus, firewall, intrusion prevention and other security technologies to […]

Combatting Cybercrime with an Incident Response Plan

By Sean Mason Based on the cybersecurity news proliferating in the mainstream media today – from ransomware incidents to data breaches of massive proportions – it has become clear that organizations need to put security mechanisms in place to protect their IT infrastructure. Organizations commonly use anti-virus, firewall, intrusion prevention and other security technologies to […]