Einträge von Technik Support

Evolving Security Disclosures : The New OASIS Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) Technical Committee

By Omar Santos During the last few years we have witnessed how the cyber security threat landscape has evolved. The emergence of the Internet of Things combined with recent events have profoundly changed how we protect our systems and people, and drive us to think about new approaches for vendors to disclose security vulnerabilities to […]

Evolving Security Disclosures : The New OASIS Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) Technical Committee

By Omar Santos During the last few years we have witnessed how the cyber security threat landscape has evolved. The emergence of the Internet of Things combined with recent events have profoundly changed how we protect our systems and people, and drive us to think about new approaches for vendors to disclose security vulnerabilities to […]

Vulnerability Spotlight: Hopper Disassembler ELF Section Header Size Code Execution

By Talos Group Vulnerability Discovered by Tyler Bohan and Cory Duplantis of Cisco Talos Talos has identified an exploitable out-of-bounds write vulnerability in the ELF Section Header parsing functionality of Hopper (TALOS-2016-0222/CVE-2016-8390). Hopper is a reverse engineering tool for macOS and Linux allowing the user to disassemble and decompile 32/64bit Intel-based Mac, Linux, Windows and […]

Vulnerability Spotlight: Hopper Disassembler ELF Section Header Size Code Execution

By Talos Group Vulnerability Discovered by Tyler Bohan and Cory Duplantis of Cisco Talos Talos has identified an exploitable out-of-bounds write vulnerability in the ELF Section Header parsing functionality of Hopper (TALOS-2016-0222/CVE-2016-8390). Hopper is a reverse engineering tool for macOS and Linux allowing the user to disassemble and decompile 32/64bit Intel-based Mac, Linux, Windows and […]

Vulnerability Spotlight: Foxit PDF Reader JBIG2 Parser Information Disclosure

By Talos Group Vulnerability discovered by Aleksandar Nikolic of Talos. Talos has identified an information disclosure vulnerability in Foxit PDF Reader (TALOS-2016-0201/CVE-2016-8334). A wrongly bounded call to `memcpy`, while parsing jbig2 segments within a PDF file, can be triggered in Foxit PDF Reader causing an out-of-bounds heap memory to be read into a buffer. The […]

Vulnerability Spotlight: Foxit PDF Reader JBIG2 Parser Information Disclosure

By Talos Group Vulnerability discovered by Aleksandar Nikolic of Talos. Talos has identified an information disclosure vulnerability in Foxit PDF Reader (TALOS-2016-0201/CVE-2016-8334). A wrongly bounded call to `memcpy`, while parsing jbig2 segments within a PDF file, can be triggered in Foxit PDF Reader causing an out-of-bounds heap memory to be read into a buffer. The […]