Einträge von Technik Support

More Effective Security, Made Simple

By Scott Harrell Every day companies are turning to digital to create new customer experiences, new business models and gain greater efficiencies. But all the while, attackers continue to advance. To defend against aggressive adversaries, security must advance to more effective solutions that are simple, automated and open. Why? Let’s take a look at a […]

More Effective Security, Made Simple

By Scott Harrell Every day companies are turning to digital to create new customer experiences, new business models and gain greater efficiencies. But all the while, attackers continue to advance. To defend against aggressive adversaries, security must advance to more effective solutions that are simple, automated and open. Why? Let’s take a look at a […]

When Paying Out Doesn’t Pay Off

By Talos Group This blog post was authored by Edmund Brumaghin and Warren Mercer Summary Talos recently observed a new ransomware variant targeting users. This ransomware shows that new threat actors are continuing to enter the ransomware market at a rapid pace due to the lucrative nature of this business model. As a result, greater […]

When Paying Out Doesn’t Pay Off

By Talos Group This blog post was authored by Edmund Brumaghin and Warren Mercer Summary Talos recently observed a new ransomware variant targeting users. This ransomware shows that new threat actors are continuing to enter the ransomware market at a rapid pace due to the lucrative nature of this business model. As a result, greater […]

Vulnerability Spotlight: Local Code Execution via the Intel HD Graphics Windows Kernel Driver

By Talos Group This vulnerability was discovered by Piotr Bania. Talos, in coordination with Intel, is disclosing the discovery of TALOS-2016-0087, a local arbitrary code execution vulnerability within the Intel HD Graphics Windows Kernel Driver. This vulnerability exists in the communication functionality of the driver and can be exploited if a specially crafted message is […]

Vulnerability Spotlight: Local Code Execution via the Intel HD Graphics Windows Kernel Driver

By Talos Group This vulnerability was discovered by Piotr Bania. Talos, in coordination with Intel, is disclosing the discovery of TALOS-2016-0087, a local arbitrary code execution vulnerability within the Intel HD Graphics Windows Kernel Driver. This vulnerability exists in the communication functionality of the driver and can be exploited if a specially crafted message is […]