Know When to Have a Dedicated NGIPS vs. NGFW

By John Damon The distinction between use case scenarios for standalone NGIPS vs. NGFW deployments can often be tricky to navigate. Although firewall deployments are better suited for some organizational requirements, there will continue to be a need for standalone NGIPS appliances in the enterprise… Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Rocke: The Champion of Monero Miners

By Talos Group This post was authored by David Liebenberg. Summary Cryptocurrency miners are becoming an increasingly significant part of the threat landscape. These malicious miners steal CPU cycles from compromised… Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Rocke: The Champion of Monero Miners

By Talos Group This post was authored by David Liebenberg. Summary Cryptocurrency miners are becoming an increasingly significant part of the threat landscape. These malicious miners steal CPU cycles from compromised… Source:: Cisco Security Notice

New Report Shows Correlating Network and Endpoint Data is Highly Manual

By Joe Malenfant We recently commissioned Forrester research to survey IT security professionals to find out what their desired end state was when it came to correlating security intelligence from network and endpoint…. Source:: Cisco Security Notice

New Report Shows Correlating Network and Endpoint Data is Highly Manual

By Joe Malenfant We recently commissioned Forrester research to survey IT security professionals to find out what their desired end state was when it came to correlating security intelligence from network and endpoint…. Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cognitive Intelligence: Empowering Security Analysts, Defeating Polymorphic Malware

By Evgeny Mirolyubov In psychology, the term “cognition” refers to a human function that is involved in gaining knowledge and intelligence. It helps describe how people process information and how the treatment… Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cognitive Intelligence: Empowering Security Analysts, Defeating Polymorphic Malware

By Evgeny Mirolyubov In psychology, the term “cognition” refers to a human function that is involved in gaining knowledge and intelligence. It helps describe how people process information and how the treatment… Source:: Cisco Security Notice