Incident Response and General Data Protection Regulation

By Kamil Janton A new regulation is upon us. Set to take effect on May 25th, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new law implemented within the European Union (EU)… Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Incident Response and General Data Protection Regulation

By Kamil Janton A new regulation is upon us. Set to take effect on May 25th, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new law implemented within the European Union (EU)… Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cisco Annual Cybersecurity Report 2018

Wie entwickelt sich die Sicherheitslage im klassischen Unternehmensnetzwerk? Welche neuen Bedrohungen und Trends sind zu beobachten? Welche neuen sicherheitsrelevanten Betrachtungen sollte man im Hinblick auf die stark anwachsende Zahl an IoT-Geräten vornehmen? Der Annual Cybersecurity Report unseres Partners Cisco zeigt Unternehmensverantwortlichen genau das, was Cyberkriminelle geheim halten wollen. Kernthemen sind 2018 die Entwicklung von Schadsoftware, […]

Perspectives on Cryptomining

By Marc Blackmer If you keep up with trends in security, you’ve likely heard about illicit cryptomining – software that hijacks system resources to generate cryptocurrencies. We’ve been busy updating our product portfolio… Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Perspectives on Cryptomining

By Marc Blackmer If you keep up with trends in security, you’ve likely heard about illicit cryptomining – software that hijacks system resources to generate cryptocurrencies. We’ve been busy updating our product portfolio… Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cisco Partners with Leading MDM/EMM Vendors to Secure Your iOS Devices

By Kalie Radsmikham Remember when I mentioned that Cisco Security Connector has plans to expand their MDM/EMM integration capabilities? Well, I’m happy to report that we are doing just that. Last week, we… Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cisco Partners with Leading MDM/EMM Vendors to Secure Your iOS Devices

By Kalie Radsmikham Remember when I mentioned that Cisco Security Connector has plans to expand their MDM/EMM integration capabilities? Well, I’m happy to report that we are doing just that. Last week, we… Source:: Cisco Security Notice