Support:Wireless Handset Firmware and Management Software product/9.00/wireless 100029 (hotfix13) available

Source:: Innovaphone

Support:Wireless Handset Firmware and Management Software product/9.00/wireless 100029 (hotfix13) available

Source:: Innovaphone

Using machine learning to detect possible insider threats

By Ayse Kaya Firat Cloud applications are now commonplace in enterprises. From productivity applications to storage, employees and IT departments are realizing the benefits of offloading documents and data into the cloud. Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Using machine learning to detect possible insider threats

By Ayse Kaya Firat Cloud applications are now commonplace in enterprises. From productivity applications to storage, employees and IT departments are realizing the benefits of offloading documents and data into the cloud. Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Balancing Cybersecurity Program Priorities: It’s Time to Get Help

By Amy Henderson The Project Management Triangle. The Iron Triangle. The Triple Constraint. There are many names for the three-word phrases in the title of this blog, but it all comes down to… Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Balancing Cybersecurity Program Priorities: It’s Time to Get Help

By Amy Henderson The Project Management Triangle. The Iron Triangle. The Triple Constraint. There are many names for the three-word phrases in the title of this blog, but it all comes down to… Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Wie ausfallsicher ist Ihre Kommunikationsinfrastruktur?

Wenn die Kommunikation im Unternehmen gestört ist, oder sogar ausfällt, führt das nicht selten zu Ärger mit Kunden und zu Unzufriedenheit bei den eigenen Mitarbeitern. Das Whitepaper unseres Partners Innovaphone beleuchtet zum Thema Redundanz die folgenden Themenbereiche: Welche Komponenten sind „mission critical“, d.h. ein Ausfall würde im schlimmsten Fall mein Geschäft gefährden Welche Ausfallzeiten sind […]