Support:IQM Build 8022500 available

Source:: Innovaphone

Support:IQM Build 8022500 available

Source:: Innovaphone

Hallo Jan, willkommen bei Oberberg-Online

Jan-Philipp Köster ist unser neuer Nachwuchs im Bereich Technik. Er macht in unserem Hause eine Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker und unterstützt heute schon die Kollegen in der Technik in allen Bereichen rund um FUJITSU- und Microsoft-Systeme. Jan ist ausgebildeter Ersthelfer und in seiner Freizeit aktiver Feuerwehrmann. Schön, Dich an Bord zu haben, Jan.

SamSam – The Evolution Continues Netting Over $325,000 in 4 Weeks

By Talos Group Talos have been working in conjunction with Cisco IR Services on what we believe to be a new variant of the SamSam ransomware. This ransomware has been observed across multiple industries including Government, Healthcare and ICS. These attacks do not appear to be highly targeted, and appear to be more opportunistic in […]

SamSam – The Evolution Continues Netting Over $325,000 in 4 Weeks

By Talos Group Talos have been working in conjunction with Cisco IR Services on what we believe to be a new variant of the SamSam ransomware. This ransomware has been observed across multiple industries including Government, Healthcare and ICS. These attacks do not appear to be highly targeted, and appear to be more opportunistic in […]

Three Things Businesses Can Do to Protect Data Privacy

By Michelle Dennedy Today, protecting data privacy is a must. Companies must demonstrate how they are protecting data privacy to earn the trust of global customers, users, partners and employees. Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Three Things Businesses Can Do to Protect Data Privacy

By Michelle Dennedy Today, protecting data privacy is a must. Companies must demonstrate how they are protecting data privacy to earn the trust of global customers, users, partners and employees. Source:: Cisco Security Notice