Introducing a New Addition to Cisco’s Security Impact Rating
By Zach Spicer The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is committed to protecting customers by sharing security-related information in a timely manner and in different formats. Although some of the information that we receive may not relate to a specific vulnerability or issue in a Cisco product, the information may be valuable to […]
Introducing a New Addition to Cisco’s Security Impact Rating
By Zach Spicer The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is committed to protecting customers by sharing security-related information in a timely manner and in different formats. Although some of the information that we receive may not relate to a specific vulnerability or issue in a Cisco product, the information may be valuable to […]
Vulnerability Walkthrough: – 7zip CVE-2016-2334 HFS+ Code Execution Vulnerability
By Talos Group This blog post was authored by Marcin Noga of Cisco Talos. Introduction In 2016 Talos released an advisory for CVE-2016-2334, which was a remote code execution vulnerability affecting certain versions of 7zip, a popular compression utility. In this blog post we will walk through the process of weaponizing this vulnerability and creating […]
Vulnerability Walkthrough: – 7zip CVE-2016-2334 HFS+ Code Execution Vulnerability
By Talos Group This blog post was authored by Marcin Noga of Cisco Talos. Introduction In 2016 Talos released an advisory for CVE-2016-2334, which was a remote code execution vulnerability affecting certain versions of 7zip, a popular compression utility. In this blog post we will walk through the process of weaponizing this vulnerability and creating […]
CMS Brute Force Attacks Are Still a Threat
By Anna Shirokova Brute force attacks have existed long before the Internet. As a cryptanalytic attack, it started being used as an attempt to access encrypted data when there were no other options available. With the rise of the Internet, this type of attack was quickly adopted. In a nutshell, a brute force attack consists […]
CMS Brute Force Attacks Are Still a Threat
By Anna Shirokova Brute force attacks have existed long before the Internet. As a cryptanalytic attack, it started being used as an attempt to access encrypted data when there were no other options available. With the rise of the Internet, this type of attack was quickly adopted. In a nutshell, a brute force attack consists […]
Das Immunsystem für Ihr Netzwerk
Im menschlichen Körper schützt das Immunsystem im Inneren vor Gefahren durch unerwünschte Keime und Viren. Warum schützen Unternehmen Ihre Netzwerke also nicht von innen, sondern legen i.d.R. viel mehr Wert auf den Schutz der Außengrenzen? Das war über viele Jahre sicherlich ein guten und richtiger Ansatz, weil es nur kontrollierte Zugänge ins Netz gab. Durch […]