The Ecosystem of Women in Cybersecurity – A Key to our Future!
By Edna Conway Digitization is driving each of us across all industries to make dramatic changes to how we approach customers, products, services, and the always-on, real-time information rich marketplace. This digital economy is gender agnostic. And, it is highly dependent on a connected global ecosystem. The message is clear—no one person, enterprise, industry, government […]
Talos Wins The 5th Volatility Plugin Contest With Pyrebox
By Talos Group Talos has won this year’s 5th Volatility plugin contest with Pyrebox. Volatility is a well-known open-source framework designed to analyse operating system memory. The framework exists since 2007, for the previous 5 years they have run a plugin contest to find the most innovative, interesting, and useful extensions for the Volatility framework. […]
Talos Wins The 5th Volatility Plugin Contest With Pyrebox
By Talos Group Talos has won this year’s 5th Volatility plugin contest with Pyrebox. Volatility is a well-known open-source framework designed to analyse operating system memory. The framework exists since 2007, for the previous 5 years they have run a plugin contest to find the most innovative, interesting, and useful extensions for the Volatility framework. […]
All-IP Aktion – Jetzt bis zu 53% sparen
Die All-IP Umstellung in Europa ist in vollem Gange. Damit neigt sich die Zeit der konventionellen Festnetztelefonie dem Ende entgegen. Das heißt für viele Unternehmen, dass die bisherigen, klassischen Telefonanlagen nicht mehr genutzt werden können. Aber kein Problem: Mit unserem Partner innovaphone ist die Umstellung auf All-IP einfach und kein lästiges Muss! Denn bindet man […]
This Holiday Season – Buy One IoT Device, Get Free CVEs
By Talos Group As the Internet of Things gains steam and continues to develop, so are adversaries and the threats affecting these systems. Companies throughout the world are busy deploying low cost Internet-connected computing devices (aka the Internet of Things) to solve business problems and improve our lives. In tandem, criminals are developing their methods […]
This Holiday Season – Buy One IoT Device, Get Free CVEs
By Talos Group As the Internet of Things gains steam and continues to develop, so are adversaries and the threats affecting these systems. Companies throughout the world are busy deploying low cost Internet-connected computing devices (aka the Internet of Things) to solve business problems and improve our lives. In tandem, criminals are developing their methods […]
Industry Leading Technology Partners Join the Fortinet Security Fabric Ecosystem
Industry Leading Technology Partners Join the Fortinet Security Fabric Ecosystem Source:: Fortinet