For threat correlation across endpoint, network, and cloud – connect the dots

By Beth Barach When I was a kid, I used to love dot-to-dot books. I enjoyed formulating a guess of what the picture was, the hunt in finding all the dots, the satisfaction of connecting them all together, and the excitement of the final picture coming into view to either confirm, or deny, my suspicions […]

Fortinet Recommended in NSS Labs Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System (NGIPS) Test

Fortinet Recommended in NSS Labs Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System (NGIPS) Test Source:: Fortinet

Fortinet Recommended in NSS Labs Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System (NGIPS) Test

Fortinet Recommended in NSS Labs Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System (NGIPS) Test Source:: Fortinet

Domainendung .radio und .health kommt bald.

Heute möchten wir Ihnen zwei weitere Domainendungen vorstellen, welche in Kürze zur Registrierung freigeschaltet werden. Warum werden überhaupt neue Domainendungen eingeführt? Ganz einfach. Die bisherigen Domainendungen werden immer knapper. Durch die Einführung der bisher ca. 1400 geplanten neuen Domainendungen steht Ihnen eine wesentlich größere Auswahl zur Verfügung und Sie können die genau zu Ihrem Projekt […]

Stealthwatch Cloud: Securing the public cloud, without undercutting it

By Bryan Doerr Public cloud infrastructure requires a new approach to security. We’ve all heard that line, but what does it actually mean? There is little stopping you from, say, deploying agents in the cloud to monitor traffic and detect threats and bringing other on-premises techniques to bear. But as anyone who’s ever attempted this […]

Stealthwatch Cloud: Securing the public cloud, without undercutting it

By Bryan Doerr Public cloud infrastructure requires a new approach to security. We’ve all heard that line, but what does it actually mean? There is little stopping you from, say, deploying agents in the cloud to monitor traffic and detect threats and bringing other on-premises techniques to bear. But as anyone who’s ever attempted this […]

Poisoning the Well: Banking Trojan Targets Google Search Results

By Talos Group This blog post was authored by Edmund Brumaghin, Earl Carter and Emmanuel Tacheau. Summary It has become common for users to use Google to find information that they do not know. In a quick Google search you can find practically anything you need to know. Links returned by a Google search, however, […]