Poisoning the Well: Banking Trojan Targets Google Search Results
By Talos Group This blog post was authored by Edmund Brumaghin, Earl Carter and Emmanuel Tacheau. Summary It has become common for users to use Google to find information that they do not know. In a quick Google search you can find practically anything you need to know. Links returned by a Google search, however, […]
Extend Your Security to the Cloud with Confidence
By Player Pate Introducing the Cisco Cloud Security Assessment Service On a recent trip with my kids, one of them remarked how differently the clouds looked from the plane and how passing through them you couldn’t see theoutline that seems so clear when viewing clouds from the ground. I explained to her that when you’re […]
Extend Your Security to the Cloud with Confidence
By Player Pate Introducing the Cisco Cloud Security Assessment Service On a recent trip with my kids, one of them remarked how differently the clouds looked from the plane and how passing through them you couldn’t see theoutline that seems so clear when viewing clouds from the ground. I explained to her that when you’re […]
Analoge Geräte im All-IP Netz weiter nutzen
Das All-IP-Netz kommt mit großen Schritten auf alle Anwender zu. Bis Ende 2018 will die Deutsche Telekom das ISDN-Netz komplett abgeschaltet haben. Das bringt viele neue Funktionen für den Kunden mit, jedoch gibt es auch Stolpersteine, die beachtet werden sollten. In den meisten Unternehmen ist das analoge Faxgerät immer noch etabliert und wird permanent genutzt. […]
Cisco Expands Its Multicloud Security Portfolio
By David Ulevitch The traditional corporate data center is still the hub for most enterprises, but increasingly organizations are leveraging the benefits of the multicloud world to drive operational efficiencies, scale and expand growth. While the benefits are clear, securing multicloud environments like SaaS apps, public cloud infrastructure and hybrid cloud environments is complex. Users […]
Cisco Expands Its Multicloud Security Portfolio
By David Ulevitch The traditional corporate data center is still the hub for most enterprises, but increasingly organizations are leveraging the benefits of the multicloud world to drive operational efficiencies, scale and expand growth. While the benefits are clear, securing multicloud environments like SaaS apps, public cloud infrastructure and hybrid cloud environments is complex. Users […]
Halbjährliche Updates für Windows Server 2016
Ab diesem Herbst stellt Microsoft die Update-Zyklen für die 2016er Server-Produkte um. Neue Versionen erscheinen von nun an im halbjährlichen Takt. Wichtig für Kunden ist, dass diese Updates nur dann bezogen werden können, wenn eine laufende Software Assurance zu jedem Windows Server 2016 abgeschlossen ist. Dabei können wir alle Systeme innerhalb von 90 Tagen nach […]