Threat Spotlight: Follow the Bad Rabbit

By Talos Group Note: This blog post discusses active research by Talos into a new threat. This information should be considered preliminary and will be updated as research continues. On October 24, 2017, Cisco Talos was alerted to a widescale ransomware campaign affecting organizations across eastern Europe and Russia. As was the case in previous […]

G DATA Crossgrade-Aktion für Business-Kunden

Unser Partner G DATA hat eine Aktion für Business-Kunden gestartet, die bisher fremde Security-Software einsetzen. Verunsichert  durch die Datenskandale der letzten Jahre und aktuelle Enthüllungen zwischen US-Behörden und dem russischen Hersteller Kaspersky (vgl. u.a. Artikel in der Zeit: Spionage: Das Kaspersky-Puzzle) suchen IT-Verantwortliche Lösungen, bei denen die gewonnenen Daten im eigenen Land bleiben. Vom 1.Oktober 2017 […]

Cisco Takes Exclusivity Out of Cybersecurity

By Michele Guel Nearly 30 years ago, I attended the first of what would be hundreds of information security conferences throughout my career. I was astonished to be one of only a handful of females in a sea of men – our career goals were the same, but I had a steep climb compared to […]

Cisco Takes Exclusivity Out of Cybersecurity

By Michele Guel Nearly 30 years ago, I attended the first of what would be hundreds of information security conferences throughout my career. I was astonished to be one of only a handful of females in a sea of men – our career goals were the same, but I had a steep climb compared to […]

“Cyber Conflict” Decoy Document Used In Real Cyber Conflict

By Talos Group This post was authored by Warren Mercer, Paul Rascagneres and Vitor Ventura INTRODUCTION Cisco Talos discovered a new malicious campaign from the well known actor Group 74 (aka Tsar Team, Sofacy, APT28, Fancy Bear…). Ironically the decoy document is a flyer concerning the Cyber Conflict U.S. conference organized by the NATO Cooperative […]

“Cyber Conflict” Decoy Document Used In Real Cyber Conflict

By Talos Group This post was authored by Warren Mercer, Paul Rascagneres and Vitor Ventura INTRODUCTION Cisco Talos discovered a new malicious campaign from the well known actor Group 74 (aka Tsar Team, Sofacy, APT28, Fancy Bear…). Ironically the decoy document is a flyer concerning the Cyber Conflict U.S. conference organized by the NATO Cooperative […]

Ransomware – What it is, how to avoid it and what to do if it gets you

By Stacy Cannady Ransomware has been all over the news since 2015. You’d think we would all know how to deal with it and the fad would be dying by now. Well, that’s what I would think. It turns out that ransomware generates a lot of cash for criminals, an estimated $1 billion in 2016. […]