Securing the Campus
By Larry Payne From student data and intellectual property, to reputation and grant funding…higher education institutions are at risk if cybersecurity is not a foundational element in their operations. This fall, more than 20 million students returned to their college or university. Each student will walk on campus with at least three personal connected devices. […]
Securing the Campus
By Larry Payne From student data and intellectual property, to reputation and grant funding…higher education institutions are at risk if cybersecurity is not a foundational element in their operations. This fall, more than 20 million students returned to their college or university. Each student will walk on campus with at least three personal connected devices. […]
“Pitching Packets” Game Teaches Cyber Security with Beanbags
By Jennie Kam This October, the 14th year of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) focuses on educating consumers on Internet safety. Consumers can be of all ages and backgrounds, so in the spirit of NCSAM, I’d like to share how beanbags and laundry baskets can be used to teach anyone the basics of Internet […]
“Pitching Packets” Game Teaches Cyber Security with Beanbags
By Jennie Kam This October, the 14th year of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) focuses on educating consumers on Internet safety. Consumers can be of all ages and backgrounds, so in the spirit of NCSAM, I’d like to share how beanbags and laundry baskets can be used to teach anyone the basics of Internet […]
Online Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility – Yes, That Means You
By Michelle Dennedy While major corporate breaches and ransomware attacks like WannaCry continue to get the most attention, we are also seeing a rise in attacks that directly target consumers and employees. Lax company privacy measures and poor cyber hygiene make a hacker’s job easy and make us all prime targets. National Cyber Security Awareness […]
Online Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility – Yes, That Means You
By Michelle Dennedy While major corporate breaches and ransomware attacks like WannaCry continue to get the most attention, we are also seeing a rise in attacks that directly target consumers and employees. Lax company privacy measures and poor cyber hygiene make a hacker’s job easy and make us all prime targets. National Cyber Security Awareness […]
Der Europäische Monat für Cybersicherheit hat begonnen
Seit 2012 sensibilisiert der ECSM (European Cyber Security Month) europaweit Bürgerinnen und Bürger sowie Organisationen für den umsichtigen und verantwortungsbewussten Umgang im Cyber-Raum. Unter Federführung der europäischen IT-Sicherheitsbehörde ENISA bieten die Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union während des ECSM verschiedene Veranstaltungen und Informationen zum Thema Cyber-Sicherheit an. Im Jahr 2016 beispielsweise nahmen 32 Staaten mit mehr […]