Support:Apps V9.00 (Operator9) product/9.00/apps 9000025 (hotfix17) available

Source:: Innovaphone

Support:Firmware V10.00 product/10.00/firmware 10138300 (sr 38) available

Source:: Innovaphone

Support:Firmware V11r2 product/11r2/firmware 11363500(sr 20) available

Source:: Innovaphone

Cisco Security: To the Tune of the Dark Side of the Moon

By Steve Caimi As the days grow shorter and colder, I’m reminded that November is Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Month here in the US. According to the Department of Homeland Security, this observance “builds awareness and appreciation of the importance of critical infrastructure and reaffirms the nationwide commitment to keep our critical infrastructure and […]

Cisco Security: To the Tune of the Dark Side of the Moon

By Steve Caimi As the days grow shorter and colder, I’m reminded that November is Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Month here in the US. According to the Department of Homeland Security, this observance “builds awareness and appreciation of the importance of critical infrastructure and reaffirms the nationwide commitment to keep our critical infrastructure and […]

Support:Innovaphone Reporting 100235 product/10.00/reporting 10023500 (sr39) available

Source:: Innovaphone

Support:Linux Application Platform 100235 product/10.00/linux 10023500 (sr39) available

Source:: Innovaphone