Fortinet’s FortiCare 360 Degrees Cloud Service Delivers Continuous Assessment of Enterprises‘ Network Security Posture
Fortinet’s FortiCare 360 Degrees Cloud Service Delivers Continuous Assessment of Enterprises‘ Network Security Posture Source:: Fortinet
Fortinet’s FortiCare 360 Degrees Cloud Service Delivers Continuous Assessment of Enterprises‘ Network Security Posture
Fortinet’s FortiCare 360 Degrees Cloud Service Delivers Continuous Assessment of Enterprises‘ Network Security Posture Source:: Fortinet
Auf einem Auge blind – https-Verschlüsselung bei 50%
Sind Sie auch auf einem Auge blind? Etwa 50% aller Webseitenaufrufe erfolgen laut Messdaten der Mozilla-Foundation bereits via https-Verschlüsselung. Das bedeutet, dass Ihre Firewall im Normalfall keine Kontroll- und Schutzfunktion leisten kann, da der Datenverkehr zwischen dem ausliefernden Webserver und dem Web-Browser auf dem Anwender-PC verschlüsselt wird. Wie die Kollegen von schreiben, ist eine […]
Top 3 Actions to Take Now to Secure Your Digitization Strategy
By Ann Swenson At Cisco, we talk a lot about cybersecurity as a strategic advantage for organizations. We believe that a strong security program must be an inherent component of a digitization strategy. There are consequences for organizations that don’t have a plan for addressing this risk. As Ashley Arbuckle, Vice President of Cisco Security […]
Top 3 Actions to Take Now to Secure Your Digitization Strategy
By Ann Swenson At Cisco, we talk a lot about cybersecurity as a strategic advantage for organizations. We believe that a strong security program must be an inherent component of a digitization strategy. There are consequences for organizations that don’t have a plan for addressing this risk. As Ashley Arbuckle, Vice President of Cisco Security […]
Vulnerability Spotlight: LibTIFF Issues Lead To Code Execution
By Talos Group These Vulnerabilities were discovered by Tyler Bohan of Cisco Talos. Talos is releasing multiple vulnerabilities (TALOS-2016-0187, TALOS-2016-0190 & TALOS-2016-0205) in the LibTIFF library . One vulnerability (TALOS-2016-0187) is an exploitable heap based buffer overflow that impacts the LibTIFF TIFF2PDF conversion tool. Another vulnerability (TALOS-2016-0190) impacts the parsing and handling of TIFF images […]
Vulnerability Spotlight: LibTIFF Issues Lead To Code Execution
By Talos Group These Vulnerabilities were discovered by Tyler Bohan of Cisco Talos. Talos is releasing multiple vulnerabilities (TALOS-2016-0187, TALOS-2016-0190 & TALOS-2016-0205) in the LibTIFF library . One vulnerability (TALOS-2016-0187) is an exploitable heap based buffer overflow that impacts the LibTIFF TIFF2PDF conversion tool. Another vulnerability (TALOS-2016-0190) impacts the parsing and handling of TIFF images […]