Leading Analyst Firm Data Once Again Identifies Fortinet as Network Security Market Leader

Leading Analyst Firm Data Once Again Identifies Fortinet as Network Security Market Leader Source:: Fortinet

Leading Analyst Firm Data Once Again Identifies Fortinet as Network Security Market Leader

Leading Analyst Firm Data Once Again Identifies Fortinet as Network Security Market Leader Source:: Fortinet

FortiSandbox-Service in der Cloud – preiswert im Bundle

Um 70% stieg die Zahl der Angriffe mit Verschlüsselungs-Trojanern von Januar bis Juli 2016. Durch die hohe mediale Aufmerksamkeit – insbesondere im Frühjahr, als sowohl das Klinikum in Neuss, als auch ein Fraunhofer-Institut betroffen waren – ist Locky in jedem Unternehmen ein Begriff. Ein Weg, um die Sicherheit des eigenen Netzwerkes zu erhöhen, ist die […]

Cognitive Threat Analytics: Turn Your Proxy Into Security Device

By Veronica Valeros This post was authored by Veronica Valeros, Petr Somol, Martin Rehak and Martin Grill, on behalf of the whole CTA team. Some of us still intuitively believe that our extensively safeguarded corporate networks are safe from the risks we are exposed to when connecting directly to public Internet. Yet, evidence suggests that […]

Cognitive Threat Analytics: Turn Your Proxy Into Security Device

By Veronica Valeros This post was authored by Veronica Valeros, Petr Somol, Martin Rehak and Martin Grill, on behalf of the whole CTA team. Some of us still intuitively believe that our extensively safeguarded corporate networks are safe from the risks we are exposed to when connecting directly to public Internet. Yet, evidence suggests that […]

Support:Firmware V11r2 product/11r2/firmware 11361500 (sr 18) available

Source:: Innovaphone

Support:Firmware V12r1 product/12r1/firmware 12092200 (sr 2) available

Source:: Innovaphone