H1N1: Technical analysis reveals new capabilities – part 2
By Josh Reynolds This is the second blog in a 3 part series that provides an in-depth technical analysis on the H1N1 malware. You can read the first entry here where I covered the evolution of H1N1, its infection vector and obfuscation techniques. This blog will provide an overview of its execution. H1N1 Execution Execution […]
H1N1: Technical analysis reveals new capabilities – part 2
By Josh Reynolds This is the second blog in a 3 part series that provides an in-depth technical analysis on the H1N1 malware. You can read the first entry here where I covered the evolution of H1N1, its infection vector and obfuscation techniques. This blog will provide an overview of its execution. H1N1 Execution Execution […]
Why Cisco Is an Essential Partner in Cyber Ops: PART 2
By Tom Gilheany Once an organization has deployed technology infrastructure that enables visibility into the network (discussed in the first part of this blog), that organization now requires the properly trained security personnel to bring that time to detection (TTD) down to acceptable levels and to respond appropriately to a security breach. Once detected, a […]
Why Cisco Is an Essential Partner in Cyber Ops: PART 2
By Tom Gilheany Once an organization has deployed technology infrastructure that enables visibility into the network (discussed in the first part of this blog), that organization now requires the properly trained security personnel to bring that time to detection (TTD) down to acceptable levels and to respond appropriately to a security breach. Once detected, a […]
Zu viel Lärm im Büro bremst Ihre Produktivität
Zu viel Lärm im Büro bremst Ihre Produktivität Erleben Sie, wie Ihre Produktivität steigt, wenn der Geräuschpegel sinkt. Der Jabra Noise Guide bietet Ihnen ein eine visuelle Signalisierung mittels der bekannten Ampelfarben grün, gelb und rot. Hierbei kann die Messempfindlichkeit des Pegels individuell eingestellt werden. Gerade Arbeitsgemeinschaften in Großraumbüros sind sehr sensible Gebilde. Einerseits werden Zusammenhalt […]
Microsoft Patch Tuesday – September 2016
By Talos Group This post was authored by Jaeson Schultz. Well it’s Microsoft Patch Tuesday, again, and that must mean we are girding our systems against another round of security vulnerabilities. This month Microsoft has released fourteen (14) bulletins covering fifty (50) security vulnerabilities. There are seven bulletins in the set whose severity is considered […]
Microsoft Patch Tuesday – September 2016
By Talos Group This post was authored by Jaeson Schultz. Well it’s Microsoft Patch Tuesday, again, and that must mean we are girding our systems against another round of security vulnerabilities. This month Microsoft has released fourteen (14) bulletins covering fifty (50) security vulnerabilities. There are seven bulletins in the set whose severity is considered […]