The Shadow Brokers EPICBANANAS and EXTRABACON Exploits

By Omar Santos On August 15th, 2016, Cisco was alerted to information posted online by the “Shadow Brokers”, which claimed to possess disclosures from the Equation Group. The files included exploit code that can be used against multi-vendor devices, including the Cisco ASA and legacy Cisco PIX firewalls. The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team […]

The Shadow Brokers EPICBANANAS and EXTRABACON Exploits

By Omar Santos On August 15th, 2016, Cisco was alerted to information posted online by the “Shadow Brokers”, which claimed to possess disclosures from the Equation Group. The files included exploit code that can be used against multi-vendor devices, including the Cisco ASA and legacy Cisco PIX firewalls. The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team […]

CryptXXX Technical Deep Dive

By Josh Reynolds 0.0 Introduction: In our previous post we discussed the AMP ThreatGrid Research and Efficacy Team’s continuous support for Ransomware attack vectors, generic behavior detection of un-discovered variants, and the creation of behavioral indicators once new variants are identified. In this post we’ll be discussing one of the more prevalent variants to surface […]

CryptXXX Technical Deep Dive

By Josh Reynolds 0.0 Introduction: In our previous post we discussed the AMP ThreatGrid Research and Efficacy Team’s continuous support for Ransomware attack vectors, generic behavior detection of un-discovered variants, and the creation of behavioral indicators once new variants are identified. In this post we’ll be discussing one of the more prevalent variants to surface […]

Tech-Channel – Innovaphone MyPBX Mobil #15

Mobilität ist heutzutage das A und O für moderne Unternehmen. Mit der innovaphone PBX ist es möglich, die verschiedenen PBX-Leistungsmerkmale selbst von Smartphones aus über flexible Mobile Clients zu nutzen. Mobile Mitarbeiter, die häufig unterwegs oder auf Geschäftsreise sind, können auf diese Weise von überall aus die gewohnten IP Telefonie Funktionalitäten per Smartphone nutzen. Die […]

A Key Ingredient Organizations Need to Combat Advanced Cyber Threats

By Sanjay Kumar CFOs, and their technical counterparts, are leading board-room level strategic information security decisions. This isn’t a surprise. A recent Accenture study noted that 75 percent of CFOs are “getting in the driver seat” regarding technology investment decisions. Flexibility, in regards to both financial and technical considerations, is critical to a successful security […]

A Key Ingredient Organizations Need to Combat Advanced Cyber Threats

By Sanjay Kumar CFOs, and their technical counterparts, are leading board-room level strategic information security decisions. This isn’t a surprise. A recent Accenture study noted that 75 percent of CFOs are “getting in the driver seat” regarding technology investment decisions. Flexibility, in regards to both financial and technical considerations, is critical to a successful security […]