Großes Danke. Kleine Preise. 15 Jahre value4you

Großes Danke. Kleine Preise. 15 Jahre value4you 15 Jahre gibt es sie, die preiswerten FUJITSU value4you-Modelle. Egal, ob Server, PC oder Notebook, value4you steht für schnelle Verfügbarkeit und gute Preise für gängige Modelle und Konfigurationen, die beim Distributor ab Lager erhältlich sind. Zum Jubiläum haben wir für Sie besonders günstige Angebote kalkuliert:  Display E24T-7 PRO […]

Vulnerability Spotlight: Oracle’s Outside In Technology, Turned Inside-Out

By Talos Group Vulnerabilities discovered by Aleksandar Nikolic. Blog post authored by Jaeson Schultz and Aleksandar Nikolic. One of the most fundamental tasks performed by many software programs involves the reading, writing, and general processing of files. In today’s highly networked environments, files and the programs that process them can be found just about everywhere: […]

Vulnerability Spotlight: Oracle’s Outside In Technology, Turned Inside-Out

By Talos Group Vulnerabilities discovered by Aleksandar Nikolic. Blog post authored by Jaeson Schultz and Aleksandar Nikolic. One of the most fundamental tasks performed by many software programs involves the reading, writing, and general processing of files. In today’s highly networked environments, files and the programs that process them can be found just about everywhere: […]

How Cybersecurity is Enabling – not Defeating – Business Innovation

By Steve Martino The Digital Economy is rapidly changing our world – seemingly as quickly as you can read this sentence there will be 50 billion devices connected to the Internet (Forecast by 2020: Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group). The Internet of Things (IoT), mobility, cloud, business intelligence and social media continue to generate unprecedented […]

How Cybersecurity is Enabling – not Defeating – Business Innovation

By Steve Martino The Digital Economy is rapidly changing our world – seemingly as quickly as you can read this sentence there will be 50 billion devices connected to the Internet (Forecast by 2020: Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group). The Internet of Things (IoT), mobility, cloud, business intelligence and social media continue to generate unprecedented […]

Research Innovations in Simple Usable Security

By Mary Ellen Zurko Every year the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security brings together an interdisciplinary group of researchers and practitioners in human computer interaction, security, and privacy, to present and discuss the latest research in the areas of usable security and privacy. Cisco’s sponsorship of SOUPS supports student research and mentorship in this […]

Research Innovations in Simple Usable Security

By Mary Ellen Zurko Every year the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security brings together an interdisciplinary group of researchers and practitioners in human computer interaction, security, and privacy, to present and discuss the latest research in the areas of usable security and privacy. Cisco’s sponsorship of SOUPS supports student research and mentorship in this […]