Sennheiser TeamConnect wireless

Sennheiser TeamConnect wireless Oberberg-Online ist Ihr autorisierter Sennheiser Telecom-Partner. Heute präsentieren wir eine spannende Neuheit: Sofortige Kommunikation TeamConnect Wireless von Sennheiser ist die erste kabellose, frei portable Audiokonferenz-Lösung, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, eine Konferenz mit professioneller Klangqualität praktisch von jedem Raum aus aufzubauen und zu leiten. Schließlich soll Technologie Ihren Arbeitsteams helfen, sich auf die […]

Michele D. Guel Awarded 2016 ABIE Award for Leadership

By John Stewart The cybersecurity industry is one of change and disruption. The ability not only to sustain, but to flourish, over a 26-year career in this field requires a special level of dedication. Michele D. Guel, winner of the 2016 ABIE Award for Leadership, exemplifies that dedication, tirelessly devoting herself to inclusion, collaboration, and […]

Michele D. Guel Awarded 2016 ABIE Award for Leadership

By John Stewart The cybersecurity industry is one of change and disruption. The ability not only to sustain, but to flourish, over a 26-year career in this field requires a special level of dedication. Michele D. Guel, winner of the 2016 ABIE Award for Leadership, exemplifies that dedication, tirelessly devoting herself to inclusion, collaboration, and […]

.gmbh, .shop und .store Domainendungen – Jetzt informieren und schnell handeln

.gmbh: Das Online-Prädikat für Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung. Bei aktuell rund 1,2 Millionen GmbHs war es nur eine Frage der Zeit bis die Domainendung .gmbh verfügbar wird. .gmbh bietet berechtigten Firmen nicht nur eine Fülle an frisch verfügbaren Domainnamen, das spezifische Online-Siegel weist sie zudem auf den ersten Blick als vertrauenswürdige Firma aus – ein […]

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center’s 2016 Cybercrime Conference

By Jessica Bair Cisco Systems is participating in the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center’s (FLETC) Cybercrime Conference, held July 6-8, 2016, in Glynco, Georgia. The purpose of this event is to foster education and awareness of the current threats and innovations that may impact today’s law enforcement officers and the manner in which they deal […]

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center’s 2016 Cybercrime Conference

By Jessica Bair Cisco Systems is participating in the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center’s (FLETC) Cybercrime Conference, held July 6-8, 2016, in Glynco, Georgia. The purpose of this event is to foster education and awareness of the current threats and innovations that may impact today’s law enforcement officers and the manner in which they deal […]

New Cisco AnyConnect – Way More than VPN

By Casey Ulaky Mobile Security Made Simple, Cisco AnyConnect 4.3 is Now Available Mobile workers are expected to account for nearly three quarters of the total U.S. workforce by 2020 –that’s more than 105 million people. And nearly every one of them uses multiple devices to connect to the network. Each of these endpoints provides […]