Insiders: The often forgotten threat
By Mark Goudie Insider threats are of particular concern to organisations as the impact of a rogue insider can be catastrophic to the business. The 2016 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report showed that 15% of data breaches were a direct result of insider deliberate or malicious behaviour. Given that it is not likely that all […]
Insiders: The often forgotten threat
By Mark Goudie Insider threats are of particular concern to organisations as the impact of a rogue insider can be catastrophic to the business. The 2016 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report showed that 15% of data breaches were a direct result of insider deliberate or malicious behaviour. Given that it is not likely that all […]
Mobiler Arbeitsplatz – FUJITSU Tablet Stylistic R726
Die Frage, ob Sie mit einem klassischen Notebook oder einem eleganten Tablet produktiver arbeiten können, findet mit dem FUJITSU Tablet STYLISTIC R726 eine kompromisslose Antwort. Die neue 2-in-1- Kombination ist extrem flexibel, sekundenschnell wandlungsfähig und jederzeit und überall einsetzbar. Der aufwändige Wechsel zwischen mehreren Devices entfällt, und Ihr mobiles Business wird erheblich komfortabler und produktiver. […]
Oberberg-Online … und es läuft!
Oberberg-Online … und es läuft! Der KKH-Lauf 2016 in Köln war der Auftakt für das Oberberg-Online Lauf-Team … und das auch noch für einen guten Zweck, denn der Veranstalter unterstützt mit allen Start- und Spendengeldern die Aktion Ein Herz für Kinder e.V. Dabei kamen seit dem Jahr 2004 bereits über eine Million Euro zusammen. Insgesamt […]
Simplifying end-to-end security with SAFE
By Christian Janoff End-to-end security tends to be very abstract and difficult for humans to visualize. The challenges of designing, building and maintaining networks with security across every business case and each part of your network is no simple task. It requires that you know why you are building the network from a business perspective, […]
Simplifying end-to-end security with SAFE
By Christian Janoff End-to-end security tends to be very abstract and difficult for humans to visualize. The challenges of designing, building and maintaining networks with security across every business case and each part of your network is no simple task. It requires that you know why you are building the network from a business perspective, […]
The Second Law of IoT: Not All “Things” that Can Be Connected Should Be Connected
By Eric Wenger In Part One of this Cybersecurity for IoT Blog Series, I noted that we should assume that everything will someday be connected—even those “things” designed without any networking capability. However, we should also be deliberate when deciding what to attach and what to isolate. When a link is established, we should know […]