The Service Provider Security Question
By Scott Harrell I talk to a lot of customers and partners in the Service Provider space, and among the many conversations, I notice a common set of concerns centered around a simple question: have we done all that we can to secure both our own infrastructure and that of our customers? Simple enough question, […]
IBS Filtran nimmt neues Cisco-Netz in Betrieb
IBS Filtran nimmt neues Cisco-Netz in Betrieb IBS Filtran befindet sich auf Wachstumskurs. Erweiterungen des Standortes in Morsbach-Lichtenberg sind auch künftig geplant. Von daher war es erforderlich, das in die Jahre gekommene Kern-Netzwerk zu modernisieren und zugleich eine Erhöhung der verfügbaren Netzwerkanschlüsse vorzunehmen. Durch eine dichte Bestückung im Netzwerkschrank bestand die größte Herausforderung im Wechsel […]
Oberberg-Online ist Microsoft Authorized Education Partner
Oberberg-Online ist Microsoft Authorized Education Partner Oberberg-Online ist als zuverlässiger Partner für Schulen und Kommunen seit vielen Jahren in den Bereichen Hardware, Netzwerke, Software und pädagogische Lösungen erfolgreich am Markt. Aktuell wurde im Rahmen dieses Engagements die Zulassung als Microsoft Authorized Education Partner verlängert. Damit können Bildungseinrichtungen zu sehr günstigen Konditionen professionelle Lösungen von Microsoft einsetzen. […]
Threat Spotlight: Exploit Kit Goes International Hits 150+ Countries
By Talos Group This post authored by Nick Biasini Talos is constantly monitoring the threat landscape and exploit kits are a constantly evolving component of it. An ongoing goal of Talos is to expose and disrupt these kits to protect the average internet user being targeted and compromised. We were able to gain unprecedented insight […]
Threat Spotlight: Exploit Kit Goes International Hits 150+ Countries
By Talos Group This post authored by Nick Biasini Talos is constantly monitoring the threat landscape and exploit kits are a constantly evolving component of it. An ongoing goal of Talos is to expose and disrupt these kits to protect the average internet user being targeted and compromised. We were able to gain unprecedented insight […]
Oracle O Image Export SDK Libvs Pdf Xref Index Code Execution Vulnerability
By Talos Group This post was authored by Aleksandar Nikolic and Jaeson Schultz. Talos has recently discovered a vulnerability in Oracle’s Outside In Technology Image Export SDK which, when exploited, allows an attacker to overflow the heap, leading to arbitrary code execution. The vulnerability lies in the Image Export SDK’s parsing of Portable Document Format […]
Oracle O Image Export SDK Libvs Pdf Xref Index Code Execution Vulnerability
By Talos Group This post was authored by Aleksandar Nikolic and Jaeson Schultz. Talos has recently discovered a vulnerability in Oracle’s Outside In Technology Image Export SDK which, when exploited, allows an attacker to overflow the heap, leading to arbitrary code execution. The vulnerability lies in the Image Export SDK’s parsing of Portable Document Format […]