Designing Security and Trust into the Cloud

By Steve Martino Cloud computing has reached a tipping point as many organizations have either adopted, or are planning to adopt, some form of cloud computing technology – whether IT knows and manages it or not. “Speed to capability” is one of the primary reasons that individuals, business units and departments are using cloud technology […]

Designing Security and Trust into the Cloud

By Steve Martino Cloud computing has reached a tipping point as many organizations have either adopted, or are planning to adopt, some form of cloud computing technology – whether IT knows and manages it or not. “Speed to capability” is one of the primary reasons that individuals, business units and departments are using cloud technology […]

Gestaffelte Sicherheit für Ihr Unternehmensnetzwerk in Zeiten von Locky & Co.

Gestaffelte Sicherheit für Ihr Unternehmensnetzwerk Üblicherweise setzen Unternehmen zur Sicherung des eigenen Netzwerkes eine Firewall ein. Oftmals handelt es sich dabei noch um eine klassische Lösung, die jedoch den aktuellen Bedrohungen nichts entgegensetzen kann. Ergänzt wird das in der Regel um einen Virenscanner auf den Arbeitsplatz-PCs und möglicherweise eine Anti-Spam-Lösung. Alle diese Lösungen stammen i.d.R. […]

Support:Firmware V11r2 product/11r2/firmware 11349800 (sr 12) available

Source:: Innovaphone

Support:Firmware V11r2 product/11r2/firmware 11349800 (sr 12) available

Source:: Innovaphone

Support:Innovaphone Reporting 100218 product/10.00/reporting 10021800 (sr34) available

Source:: Innovaphone

Support:Linux Application Platform 100218 product/10.00/linux 10021800 (sr34) available

Source:: Innovaphone