Privacy takes center stage in security discussions after years of being kept in the background

By Michelle Dennedy With the International Association of Privacy Professionals gathering this week to discuss evolving regulatory requirements and rising customer expectations, there’s no better time to talk about privacy. Privacy is an integral part of the digital transformation wave. As more countries, companies and organizations take advantage of cloud, mobile and data analytics, privacy […]

Privacy takes center stage in security discussions after years of being kept in the background

By Michelle Dennedy With the International Association of Privacy Professionals gathering this week to discuss evolving regulatory requirements and rising customer expectations, there’s no better time to talk about privacy. Privacy is an integral part of the digital transformation wave. As more countries, companies and organizations take advantage of cloud, mobile and data analytics, privacy […]

What is Email Spoofing and How to Detect It

By Kevin Floyd What is Email Spoofing? Email spoofing is the creation of email messages with a forged sender address for the purpose of fooling the recipient into providing money or sensitive information. For example: a sender sends a message to your business email address stating that you have one day to log into […]

What is Email Spoofing and How to Detect It

By Kevin Floyd What is Email Spoofing? Email spoofing is the creation of email messages with a forged sender address for the purpose of fooling the recipient into providing money or sensitive information. For example: a sender sends a message to your business email address stating that you have one day to log into […]

Howto:Feature List in English

Source:: Innovaphone

Howto:Feature List in English

Source:: Innovaphone

FortiSandbox integrieren und die Sicherheitsstufe heraufsetzen

      NSS Labs ist ein unabhängiges Testlabor für Sicherheitskomponenten und unterzieht regelmäßig unterschiedliche Hersteller Tests unter Real-Bedingungen. Fortinet schneidet seit Jahren ausgezeichnet ab und ist aktuell die Einzige Lösung, die in allen Bereichen eine Empfehlung erhält. Details finden Sie in dieser Broschüre. Angesichts der steigenden Angriffe – gerade auch auf Netzwerke von kleinen […]