Ausblick: Windows Server 2016

Ausblick: Windows Server 2016 Aller Voraussicht nach wird Windows Server 2016 dieses Jahr um den August herum erscheinen. Ein genaues Datum ist derzeit noch nicht bekannt. Anhand der schon seit längerem erscheinenden Technical-Preview-Versionen bereiten wir uns bereits auf das neue Serverbetriebssystem vor, um Sie direkt bei Erscheinen bestmöglich unterstützen zu können. Einige interessante Neuerungen, welche […]

Protecting Data Globally: A Modern Mandate

By Michelle Fleury Data is the currency of the knowledge economy. This makes it a highly valuable commodity – for organizations and cybercriminals alike. As threats to data security mount, organizations must find ways to keep their critical digital assets safe at all touch points and compliant to international data protection regulations that vary by […]

Protecting Data Globally: A Modern Mandate

By Michelle Fleury Data is the currency of the knowledge economy. This makes it a highly valuable commodity – for organizations and cybercriminals alike. As threats to data security mount, organizations must find ways to keep their critical digital assets safe at all touch points and compliant to international data protection regulations that vary by […]

Introducing Cisco Firepower 4100 Series Next-Generation Firewall

By Scott Harrell Enable Digital Business with the Industry’s First Fully-Integrated, Threat-Focused NGFW Today’s world is undergoing digital disruption that will spark more connectivity than ever before, as consumers, businesses and governments leverage digitization to drive innovation forward. Yet, the more connected we become, the more opportunities we create for cybercriminals. In order for enterprises […]

Introducing Cisco Firepower 4100 Series Next-Generation Firewall

By Scott Harrell Enable Digital Business with the Industry’s First Fully-Integrated, Threat-Focused NGFW Today’s world is undergoing digital disruption that will spark more connectivity than ever before, as consumers, businesses and governments leverage digitization to drive innovation forward. Yet, the more connected we become, the more opportunities we create for cybercriminals. In order for enterprises […]

Take a Strategic Approach to Security Segmentation

By Ann Swenson [This post was written by Pavan Reddy, Customer Solutions Director, Cisco Security Services] You’ve read the stats : by the end of the decade, the Internet of Everything will result in 50 billion networked connections of people, process data and things. You don’t need to look far to see it come to […]

Take a Strategic Approach to Security Segmentation

By Ann Swenson [This post was written by Pavan Reddy, Customer Solutions Director, Cisco Security Services] You’ve read the stats : by the end of the decade, the Internet of Everything will result in 50 billion networked connections of people, process data and things. You don’t need to look far to see it come to […]