Jetzt sparen mit Microsoft Windows Server – OEM Lizenzen
OEM CALs sind bis zu 50% günstiger bei identischen Zugriffsrechten wie OPEN CALs. Entweder Geld sparen oder in eine Software Assurance investieren und Zugriffsrechte ebenfalls auf Windows Server 2016 erhalten. Auch bei Windows Server Standard und Datacenter gilt: OEM ist erheblich günstiger und hat genau wie OPEN uneingeschränkte Downgrade- und VM-Portabilitäts-Rechte. Software Assurance* plus OEM-Lizenz […]
Cisco Hosting Amsterdam 2016 FIRST Technical Colloquium
By Matt Valites We’d like to announce a “Save the Date” and “Call for Speakers” for the FIRST Amsterdam Technical Colloquium (TC) 2016 . The event, hosted by Cisco Systems in Amsterdam, Netherlands will be a plenary style conference held on the 19th and 20th of April 2016. Event registration is open now. This will […]
Cisco Hosting Amsterdam 2016 FIRST Technical Colloquium
By Matt Valites We’d like to announce a “Save the Date” and “Call for Speakers” for the FIRST Amsterdam Technical Colloquium (TC) 2016 . The event, hosted by Cisco Systems in Amsterdam, Netherlands will be a plenary style conference held on the 19th and 20th of April 2016. Event registration is open now. This will […]
Find Advanced Threats with Cisco Cognitive Threat Analytics
By Joe Malenfant Attackers are constantly innovating, employing more sophisticated techniques to compromise organizations and gain access to other parts of the network and sensitive data including proprietary information, trade secrets, and of course financial information. Threats have evolved to the point that it’s no longer feasible to simply defend the perimeter. In the 2016 […]
Find Advanced Threats with Cisco Cognitive Threat Analytics
By Joe Malenfant Attackers are constantly innovating, employing more sophisticated techniques to compromise organizations and gain access to other parts of the network and sensitive data including proprietary information, trade secrets, and of course financial information. Threats have evolved to the point that it’s no longer feasible to simply defend the perimeter. In the 2016 […]
Cisco AMP for Endpoints Adds New Features
By John Dominguez The threat landscape is ever-changing. Attackers continue to innovate and refine their tactics, and malware is more sophisticated than ever. New threats are surfacing every day, like the Angler exploit kit and the SSHPsychos DDoS attack. According to the 2016 Cisco Annual Security Report , ransomware is exploding, Adobe Flash vulnerabilities continue […]
Cisco AMP for Endpoints Adds New Features
By John Dominguez The threat landscape is ever-changing. Attackers continue to innovate and refine their tactics, and malware is more sophisticated than ever. New threats are surfacing every day, like the Angler exploit kit and the SSHPsychos DDoS attack. According to the 2016 Cisco Annual Security Report , ransomware is exploding, Adobe Flash vulnerabilities continue […]