Lesenswert – Interview mit Sascha Lobo im Fujitsu-Blog

Lesenswert – Interview mit Sascha Lobo im Fujitsu-Blog „Das größte Einfallstor ist und bleibt vermutlich auch immer der Mensch selbst“ – Interview mit Sascha Lobo Das Netz legt sich wie eine digitale Schicht über die Welt, sagt Sascha Lobo und drückt damit das aus, was unser Leben auf dem Weg in die Digitalisierung ausmacht. Wir […]

Threat-Focused NG-Firewall – Who Cares? Part 1

By Mike Storm Part 1: Rude Awakening Let us begin with some context in the form of a story. I live in a very bad part of town and I am always worried that my car is going to get stolen or broken into. So, I just invested over a thousand bucks in this awesome […]

Threat-Focused NG-Firewall – Who Cares? Part 1

By Mike Storm Part 1: Rude Awakening Let us begin with some context in the form of a story. I live in a very bad part of town and I am always worried that my car is going to get stolen or broken into. So, I just invested over a thousand bucks in this awesome […]

Das Gigaset für die fritz!box und den Speedport

Das Gigaset für die FRITZ!box und den Speedport Unser Partner Gigaset hat gute Nachrichten für Euch: Die neuen Universal-Mobilteile Gigaset SL450HX und Gigaset S850HX sind jetzt lieferbar. Ergänzungsmobilteile für DECT-fähige Router erfreuen sich zunehmender Beliebtheit und müssen nicht immer von der Telekom oder AVM kommen. Universal-Mobilteile für Speedport, FRITZ!Box & Co Die neuen  Universal-Mobilteile tun nicht nur […]

Malware stealing gigabytes of your data as seen by Cognitive Threat Analytics

By Michal Svoboda This post is authored by Gayan de Silva and Martin Pospisil. Overview Recently, about 50 users across 20 companies were alarmed by the Cisco Cognitive Threat Analytics (CTA) about a malware that exfiltrates gigabytes of data from their computers. An example of such CTA detection: In addition to the usual malware command […]

Malware stealing gigabytes of your data as seen by Cognitive Threat Analytics

By Michal Svoboda This post is authored by Gayan de Silva and Martin Pospisil. Overview Recently, about 50 users across 20 companies were alarmed by the Cisco Cognitive Threat Analytics (CTA) about a malware that exfiltrates gigabytes of data from their computers. An example of such CTA detection: In addition to the usual malware command […]

Introducing the Cisco PSIRT openVuln API

By Omar Santos In October, we announced details about Cisco PSIRT’s new and improved security vulnerability disclosure format. Our Chief Security and Trust Officer, John Stewart, also revealed that Cisco will launch an application programming interface (API) that empowers customers to customize Cisco vulnerability information and publications. Today, we have officially launched the Cisco PSIRT […]