FortiGuard Labs Researchers Predict That IoT Attacks and New Evasion Techniques Will Characterize Emerging Threats in 2016
FortiGuard Labs Researchers Predict That IoT Attacks and New Evasion Techniques Will Characterize Emerging Threats in 2016 Source:: Fortinet
Millionen Android Geräte gefährdet – Sichern Sie Ihr Netzwerk
Millionen Android Geräte gefährdet – Sichern Sie Ihr Netzwerk Wie auf vermeldet, soll eine Lücke in der V8 Java-Script Engine des Chrome-Browsers, der auf allen modernen Android-Smartphones zum Einsatz kommt, bestehen. Damit sollen Angreifer in der Lage sein, über besuchte Webseiten schädliche Applikationen nachzuladen. Nähere Informationen gibt es im o.a. heise-Artikel. Wie können […]
Holiday Shopping Threat Avoidance
By Talos Group The holidays are upon us and the shopping season is kicking into high gear. This year, an estimated 270 million consumers will shop online and, for the first time, more than half of them will use mobile devices to check off their holiday shopping lists. With consumers searching for holiday discounts through […]
Holiday Shopping Threat Avoidance
By Talos Group The holidays are upon us and the shopping season is kicking into high gear. This year, an estimated 270 million consumers will shop online and, for the first time, more than half of them will use mobile devices to check off their holiday shopping lists. With consumers searching for holiday discounts through […]
How OpenDNS Predicts Attacks When Hacker Infrastructure Is Cheap and Plenty
By Owen Lystrup On Thursday OpenDNS announced two new data science models that detect clues to an attack, and then find the attacker’s entire infrastructure. The first model titled Spike Rank (SPRank) detects spikes in network traffic using mathematical concepts that are often found in sound wave analysis, the same methods music services like Shazam […]
How OpenDNS Predicts Attacks When Hacker Infrastructure Is Cheap and Plenty
By Owen Lystrup On Thursday OpenDNS announced two new data science models that detect clues to an attack, and then find the attacker’s entire infrastructure. The first model titled Spike Rank (SPRank) detects spikes in network traffic using mathematical concepts that are often found in sound wave analysis, the same methods music services like Shazam […]
IT-Budget optimal ausnutzen
IT-Budget optimal ausnutzen Das letzte Quartal ist zur Hälfte vorbei und Sie planen bereits Ihr Geschäftsjahr 2016. Dennoch gibt es oft einen akuten Bedarf noch im alten Jahr, der nicht von Ihrem restlichen Budget zu bestreiten ist. Nutzen Sie unsere individuellen Zahlungsvereinbarungen – Alles ganz easy und kostenfrei für Ihre Cisco-Projekte bis 250.000 Euro: Sie […]