Microsoft Patch Tuesday – November 2015

By Talos Group Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday has arrived. Today, Microsoft has released their monthly set of security bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities within their products. This month’s release contains 12 bulletins addressing 53 vulnerabilities. Four bulletins are rated critical and address vulnerabilities in Edge, Internet Explorer, Windows Journal, and Windows. The remaining eight bulletins […]

Microsoft Patch Tuesday – November 2015

By Talos Group Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday has arrived. Today, Microsoft has released their monthly set of security bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities within their products. This month’s release contains 12 bulletins addressing 53 vulnerabilities. Four bulletins are rated critical and address vulnerabilities in Edge, Internet Explorer, Windows Journal, and Windows. The remaining eight bulletins […]

Easy-to-Use Threat Intelligence for Organizations of All Sizes: Threat Awareness Service

By Ilker Temir From credit card numbers to medical records, small and midsize organizations hold the same sensitive information as large enterprises. We often think of multinational corporations and governments as the primary targets for cybersecurity breaches, but smaller companies face the same threats. As enterprises start to spend more on security, hackers are increasingly […]

Easy-to-Use Threat Intelligence for Organizations of All Sizes: Threat Awareness Service

By Ilker Temir From credit card numbers to medical records, small and midsize organizations hold the same sensitive information as large enterprises. We often think of multinational corporations and governments as the primary targets for cybersecurity breaches, but smaller companies face the same threats. As enterprises start to spend more on security, hackers are increasingly […]

G DATA integriert Mobile Device Management (MDM)

G DATA integriert Mobile Device Management (MDM) In allen Business-Produkten: G DATA integriert Mobile Device Management (MDM): Die meisten Unternehmen statten heute Mitarbeiter mit mobilen Geräten aus. Das erschwert Kontrolle und Administration, sowie die Gewährleistung von Datenintegrität und Sicherheit. Laden Sie hier das G DATA Whitepaper zum Thema Mobile Device Management (MDM) herunter und sprechen Sie […]

Support:Firmware V10 product/10.00/firmware 10134400 (sr 28) available

Source:: Innovaphone

Support:Firmware V11r1 product/11r1/firmware 11100900 (sr 9) available

Source:: Innovaphone