Our Commitment to Cybersecurity Education and Training
By Peter Romness Did you know that October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month ? Here at Cisco, we understand how important cybersecurity is in today’s interconnected world. Because the Internet touches an increasingly large part of our lives, it’s necessary to engage and educate the public about how to stay protected. While we highlight […]
G DATA Exploit-Schutz wehrt effektiv Angriffe durch infizierte Magento-Shops ab
G DATA Exploit-Schutz wehrt effektiv Angriffe durch infizierte Magento-Shops ab 22.10.2015 | Autor: Siebert, Thomas , Christian Lueg Tausende von Online-Shops, die auf eine veraltete Version der e-Commerce Plattform Magento setzen, wurden laut einem Bericht der Sicherheitsfirma Sucuri (https://blog.sucuri.net/2015/10/massive-magento-guruincsite-infection.html) vom 18.10.2015 mit Schadcode infiziert. Besuchern dieser Webseiten wird ein Exploit-Kit untergeschoben, um Bezahl- oder Login-Daten zu […]
Calling all Incident Responders
By Dan Hubbard ” We are happy to announce the final schedule for IRespondCon. A conference that we host at OpenDNS that is specifically designed for Incident Responders in Information Security. IRespondCon is a day of free training, presentations, and networking with some of the top engineers, instructors, and fellow responders all around how to […]
Calling all Incident Responders
By Dan Hubbard ” We are happy to announce the final schedule for IRespondCon. A conference that we host at OpenDNS that is specifically designed for Incident Responders in Information Security. IRespondCon is a day of free training, presentations, and networking with some of the top engineers, instructors, and fellow responders all around how to […]
Active Threat Analytics: Easing the Burden of Threat Management
By Tom Powledge In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was a trickster king cursed with the eternal torment of fruitless labor. As punishment for his hubris and wile, Zeus condemned this hapless figure to the unending task of pushing a boulder up a mountain. Once he reached the top, the boulder would fall back down. And he […]
Active Threat Analytics: Easing the Burden of Threat Management
By Tom Powledge In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was a trickster king cursed with the eternal torment of fruitless labor. As punishment for his hubris and wile, Zeus condemned this hapless figure to the unending task of pushing a boulder up a mountain. Once he reached the top, the boulder would fall back down. And he […]
Fortinet Reports Strong Third Quarter 2015 Financial Results
Fortinet Reports Strong Third Quarter 2015 Financial Results Source:: Fortinet