Fortinet Reports Strong Third Quarter 2015 Financial Results

Fortinet Reports Strong Third Quarter 2015 Financial Results Source:: Fortinet

Cisco Identifies Multiple Vulnerabilities in Network Time Protocol daemon (ntpd)

By Talos Group Cisco is committed to improving the overall security of the products and services our customers rely on. As part of this commitment, Cisco assesses the security of software components used in our products. Open source software plays a key role in many Cisco products and as a result, ensuring the security of […]

Cisco Identifies Multiple Vulnerabilities in Network Time Protocol daemon (ntpd)

By Talos Group Cisco is committed to improving the overall security of the products and services our customers rely on. As part of this commitment, Cisco assesses the security of software components used in our products. Open source software plays a key role in many Cisco products and as a result, ensuring the security of […]

Made in Germany – so günstig wie nie

Made in Germany – so günstig wie nie 80 Jahre Fujitsu. Das ist ein guter Anlass für unser Geburtstagsangebot „Made in Germany“. Drei Computer – für Ihr Business gebaut – zum Sonderpreis. Alle limitierten Jubiläums-Modelle mit schneller 256 GB SSD. LIFEBOOK A555 NG Ihr mobiler Leistungsträger für immer und überall. ■ Intel® Core™ i5-5200U-Prozessor (3M […]

Dangerous Clipboard: Analysis of the MS15-072 Patch

By Talos Group This post was authored by Marcin Noga with contributions from Jaeson Schultz . Have you ever thought about how security researchers take a patch that has been released, and then reverse it to find the underlying security issue? Well, back In July Microsoft released security bulletin MS15-072, titled: “Vulnerability in Windows Graphics […]

Dangerous Clipboard: Analysis of the MS15-072 Patch

By Talos Group This post was authored by Marcin Noga with contributions from Jaeson Schultz . Have you ever thought about how security researchers take a patch that has been released, and then reverse it to find the underlying security issue? Well, back In July Microsoft released security bulletin MS15-072, titled: “Vulnerability in Windows Graphics […]

Starke Leistung für das „Rückgrat“ eines jeden Unternehmens

Starke Leistung für das „Rückgrat“ eines jeden Unternehmens – Fujitsu Server von Oberberg-Online Heute ein Beitrag unseres Technologie-Partners Fujitsu: In einer schnelllebigen Zeit, in der Daten ein wertvolles Gut sind, brauchen wir starke Server, auf deren gute Performance wir uns verlassen können. Die VMmark-Ergebnisse, die wir erreichen konnten, können sich nicht nur sehen lassen – unsere PRIMERGY […]