Securing the IoE with OpenAppID
By Costas Kleopa We introduced OpenAppID in early 2014 with the goal of empowering customers and the open source community to control application usage in their network environments. Since then, we have increased our coverage from 1,000 OpenAppID detectors to more than 2,600, and have received valuable feedback from the community on ways to improve […]
Securing the IoE with OpenAppID
By Costas Kleopa We introduced OpenAppID in early 2014 with the goal of empowering customers and the open source community to control application usage in their network environments. Since then, we have increased our coverage from 1,000 OpenAppID detectors to more than 2,600, and have received valuable feedback from the community on ways to improve […]
Leading Analyst Firm Data Identifies Fortinet as Security Market Leader
Leading Analyst Firm Data Identifies Fortinet as Security Market Leader Source:: Fortinet
Leading Analyst Firm Data Identifies Fortinet as Security Market Leader
Leading Analyst Firm Data Identifies Fortinet as Security Market Leader Source:: Fortinet
The Need To Solve for Time
By Tom Hogue Ponemon Institute called 2014 the year of the “ Mega Breaches ,” which will be remembered for its series of mega security breaches and attacks. These “Mega Breaches” are perfect examples of what is commonly known as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). The Ponemon Institute survey asked, among many questions, “When was the […]
The Need To Solve for Time
By Tom Hogue Ponemon Institute called 2014 the year of the “ Mega Breaches ,” which will be remembered for its series of mega security breaches and attacks. These “Mega Breaches” are perfect examples of what is commonly known as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). The Ponemon Institute survey asked, among many questions, “When was the […]
Jetzt noch neue Domainendungen für September reservieren!
Heute möchten wir Ihnen einige neue Domainendungen, sogenannte nTLD’s, vorstellen, welche voraussichtlich im kommenden Monat freigeschaltet werden. Warum werden überhaupt neue Domainendungen eingeführt? Ganz einfach. Die bisherigen Domainendungen werden immer knapper. Durch die Einführung der bisher ca. 1400 geplanten neuen Domainendungen steht Ihnen eine wesentlich größere Auswahl zur Verfügung und Sie können die genau zu […]