Continuous Analysis Yields Continuous Leadership Against Advanced Threats

By Jason Brvenik Organizations today have no shortage of challenges when it comes to cyber security and their growing IT infrastructure. Not only is the frequency and sophistication of malware attacks on the rise, but with the proliferation of mobility, BYOD, IoT, and cloud services; the number of entry points an attacker has into the […]

Continuous Analysis Yields Continuous Leadership Against Advanced Threats

By Jason Brvenik Organizations today have no shortage of challenges when it comes to cyber security and their growing IT infrastructure. Not only is the frequency and sophistication of malware attacks on the rise, but with the proliferation of mobility, BYOD, IoT, and cloud services; the number of entry points an attacker has into the […]

Fortinet Earns NSS Labs Coveted ‚Recommended‘ Rating for Breach Detection Systems

Fortinet Earns NSS Labs Coveted ‚Recommended‘ Rating for Breach Detection Systems Source:: Fortinet

Fortinet Earns NSS Labs Coveted ‚Recommended‘ Rating for Breach Detection Systems

Fortinet Earns NSS Labs Coveted ‚Recommended‘ Rating for Breach Detection Systems Source:: Fortinet


CHIP: G DATA INTERNET SECURITY SCHÜTZT HERVORRAGEND SICHERHEITSLÖSUNG ERHÄLT DAS TESTURTEIL „GUT“. 07.07.2015 | BOCHUM Das Fachmagazin CHIP hat G DATA INTERNET SECURITY in einem aktuellen Einzeltest (Ausgabe 08/2015) unter die Lupe genommen. Gemeinsam mit dem unabhängigen Testlabor AV-Test ließen die Prüfer bekannte und noch unbekannte Schädlinge auf die Sicherheitslösungen los. Das Ergebnis: Eine Malware-Erkennungsrate […]

We Who Cut Mere Stones Must Always Be Envisioning Cathedrals

By Rashesh Jethi The well-known Quarry Worker’s Creed, called out in prefaces to books such as “ The Pragmatic Programmer ” and “ Ship While you Sleep ”, posits the notion of IT done right as more than simple engineering discipline – good software development, for example, should not “preclude individual craftsmanship”. Drawing parallels to […]

We Who Cut Mere Stones Must Always Be Envisioning Cathedrals

By Rashesh Jethi The well-known Quarry Worker’s Creed, called out in prefaces to books such as “ The Pragmatic Programmer ” and “ Ship While you Sleep ”, posits the notion of IT done right as more than simple engineering discipline – good software development, for example, should not “preclude individual craftsmanship”. Drawing parallels to […]