Support:Firmware V13r1/13r1/firmware 131930 (sr 2) available

Source:: Innovaphone

3 things you need to know about Cisco Threat Response at CLUS

By Jolene Tam Overwhelmed by the sheer volume of security alerts and potential threats hitting your SOC? Security risks have never been greater, with networks expanding into the cloud, the explosion of mobile and IoT devices, and increasingly sophisticated threats. On top of that, disparate security tools make it tougher to find and remediate threats, […]

Support:Firmware V10.00/10.00/firmware 101416 (sr 50) available

Source:: Innovaphone

Support:Firmware V13r1/13r1/firmware 131908 (sr 1) available

Source:: Innovaphone

Der neue Innovaphone Produktkatalog 2019/2020 ist da

Mit der neuen PBX Version 13 wurde auch der neue Innovaphone Produktkatalog 2019/2020 veröffentlicht. Als Service bieten wir die neue Version für Sie hier zum Download an. Bei Fragen zu den innovativen Kommunikationslösungen stehen wir seit über 15 Jahren als zertifizierter Partner an Ihrer Seite: Dirk Zurawski 02261 9155051 Jörg Wegner 02261 9155052 […]

10 years of virtual dynamite: A high-level retrospective of ATM malware

By Talos Group It has been 10 years since the discovery of Skimer, first malware specifically designed to attack automated teller machines (ATMs). At the time, the learning curve for understanding its functionality was rather steep and analysis required specific knowledge of a manufacturer’s ATM API functions and parameters, which were not publicly documented. Before […]

Office 365 phishing

By Ben Nahorney Let’s be honest: administering email is a pain. Routing issues, disk quotas, bouncebacks, the times when users can send but not receive emails, receive but not send, or they flat out cannot send or receive—the list goes on. It’s no wonder that email-hosting services like Office 365 have become so popular. Such […]