Talos’ Malware Year in Review
By Talos Group It was easy to see a wild year coming in cybersecurity. It started with a bang, with Olympic Destroyer targeting the Winter Olympics in February in an attempt to disrupt… Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Cisco ISE – Playing Nice in the Security Ecosystem
By Eddie Mendonca 2005 has long come and gone, and in this day and age, segmenting traffic on your network should mean more than a separate voice and data VLAN. Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein gesundes Jahr 2019
Das gesamte Team der Oberberg-Online wünscht eine gesegnete Weihnachtszeit im Kreise Ihrer Lieben, einen tollen Übergang ins neue Jahr, sowie ein gesundes und friedliches 2019. Wir sagen Dankeschön für Ihre Treue und Ihr Vertrauen und freuen uns, mit Ihnen gemeinsam die Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung zu meistern. Wir verabschieden uns für die Feiertage von auf diesem […]
Three ways to detect cryptomining activities using network security analytics
By Matthew Robertson Looking back at 2018, malicious cryptomining emerged as one of the most prominent threats. As described in-depth in this blog, cryptocurrency mining, or cryptomining for short, is the process… Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Vulnerability Spotlight : Multiple Vulnerabilities in WIBU-SYSTEMS WibuKey.sys
By Talos Group These vulnerabilities were discovered by Marcin ‚Icewall‘ Noga of Cisco Talos. Executive Summary WibuKey is a Digital Rights Management (DRM) solution… Source:: Cisco Security Notice
The Greatest Gap in Securing Critical Infrastructure
By Jeff Schutt By practicing incident response plans you’ll decrease the time it takes to respond appropriately and recover from a real incident. Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Cisco Threat Response: Open Source Integrations You Can Use Now
By Jessica Bair Cisco Threat Response is built upon a collection of APIs; which can be used to integrate your Cisco and third-party security products, automate the incident response process and manage… Source:: Cisco Security Notice