The KISS Principle for Successful Expansion into the Cloud: Keep It Simple and Secure
By Brian Roddy As the calendar turns to 2019 in a matter of weeks we will be bombarded with a series of new predictions and resolutions. We had the same barrage last year,… Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Security Operations Track: the session for security professionals at Cisco Live
By Cristina Errico 87% of companies across Europe, Middle East and Africa admitted they suffered a cyber attack in the past year. Read for a detailed agenda of the Security Operations Track session. Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Making Data Work for Businesses and Citizens with Data Curation and Sound Data Privacy Practices
By Michelle Dennedy The trend will continue, and it’s important for everyone to understand that the lens through which we view data privacy has a major impact on business. Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Bereits 72% des Netzwerkverkehrs laufen verschlüsselt
Bereits 72% des Netzwerkverkehrs laufen verschlüsselt Bereits im Oktober 2016 haben wir zum Thema Verschlüsselung des Datenverkehrs und damit verbundene Risiken einen Artikel veröffentlicht. Das Thema ist brennender denn je, weil mittlerweile fast drei Viertel des gesamten Datenverkehrs verschlüsselt wird. Was gut gedacht ist, nämlich den Datenstrom zwischen zwei Punkten zu schützen, wird zunehmend von […]
Improve network and security operations with Firepower multi-instance and Cisco Threat Response
By Joel Ferman With our latest release, Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) 6.3, our team is delivering value and bringing new possibilities to Firepower customers of all sizes. Source:: Cisco Security Notice
An introduction to offensive capabilities of Active Directory on UNIX
By Talos Group Tim Wadhwa-Brown of Portcullis Labs authored this post. In preparation for our talk at Black Hat Europe, Security Advisory EMEAR would like to share the background on our recent research into some common… Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Defeating Polymorphic Malware with Cognitive Intelligence. Part 3: Static Analysis
By Evgeny Mirolyubov Nowadays, everyone likes to talk about the use of machine learning in cybersecurity. Almost every security vendor leverages machine learning in one form or another. Organizations employ security teams with… Source:: Cisco Security Notice