Talos Vulnerability Discovery Year in Review – 2018
By Talos Group Introduction Cisco Talos‘ Vulnerability Discovery Team investigates software and operating system vulnerabilities in order to discover them before malicious threat actors. We provide this information to vendors so that they… Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Talos Vulnerability Discovery Year in Review – 2018
By Talos Group Introduction Cisco Talos‘ Vulnerability Discovery Team investigates software and operating system vulnerabilities in order to discover them before malicious threat actors. We provide this information to vendors so that they… Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Cisco Recognized as a Leader in Incident Response
By Sean Mason It is never ideal to “go it alone” during a cybersecurity breach. Talk about a high-pressure situation. Getting access to experts is critical: with a strong support team, you’ll have… Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Cisco Recognized as a Leader in Incident Response
By Sean Mason It is never ideal to “go it alone” during a cybersecurity breach. Talk about a high-pressure situation. Getting access to experts is critical: with a strong support team, you’ll have… Source:: Cisco Security Notice
2020 kommt schneller, als Sie denken
2020 kommt schneller, als Sie denken Mit über 300.000 hardwarebasierten Serversystemen in Deutschland ist Windows Server 2008/R2 noch sehr weit verbreitet. Ab Januar 2020 wird es keine Unterstützung dieser Version durch Microsoft mehr geben. Das bedeutet, dass keine Sicherheitsupdates mehr bereitgestellt werden und somit kritische Systeme im Unternehmen unkalkulierbaren Risiken ausgesetzt werden. Da sich heutzutage […]
GPlayed younger brother is a banker and targets Russian banks
By Talos Group Cisco Talos published its findings on a new Android trojan known as „GPlayed“ on Oct. 11. At the time, we wrote that the trojan seemed to be in the testing… Source:: Cisco Security Notice
GPlayed younger brother is a banker and targets Russian banks
By Talos Group Cisco Talos published its findings on a new Android trojan known as „GPlayed“ on Oct. 11. At the time, we wrote that the trojan seemed to be in the testing… Source:: Cisco Security Notice