Using Threat Intelligence Effectively in Security Automation and Orchestration with DFLabs and Cisco Security

By Jessica Bair When a security incident occurs, it is unlikely that the entire scope and chain of events will be obvious from the outset. Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Using Threat Intelligence Effectively in Security Automation and Orchestration with DFLabs and Cisco Security

By Jessica Bair When a security incident occurs, it is unlikely that the entire scope and chain of events will be obvious from the outset. Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Jetzt wird’s .sport-lich

2017 wurde auf dem internationalen Sport-Markt ein Umsatz von 990 Milliarden US-Dollar generiert (Quelle: Eine beeindruckende Größe, die .SPORT zu einer vielversprechenden new gTLD macht. .SPORT – aktuell in der Sunrise Phase – ist eine „community-based“ TLD für die weltweite Sport-Gemeinschaft (Verbände, Athleten, Medien, Sponsoren etc.). Hinweis: Um die Community-Zugehörigkeit anzuzeigen, muss bei der Registrierung angegeben […]

War Games: A WOPR of a Security Test (part 1)

By Tim (Wadhwa-)Brown In what was an interesting change to the usual technical and risk/compliance focused consultancy, the Team carried out a War Games exercise – similar to a „Red Team“ engagement. Source:: Cisco Security Notice

War Games: A WOPR of a Security Test (part 1)

By Tim (Wadhwa-)Brown In what was an interesting change to the usual technical and risk/compliance focused consultancy, the Team carried out a War Games exercise – similar to a „Red Team“ engagement. Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Threat Roundup for October 12-19

By Talos Group Today, as we do every week, Talos is giving you a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we’ve observed this week — covering the dates between Oct. 12 and 19…. Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Threat Roundup for October 12-19

By Talos Group Today, as we do every week, Talos is giving you a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we’ve observed this week — covering the dates between Oct. 12 and 19…. Source:: Cisco Security Notice