Tackling the Growing Threat Landscape of ICS and the IIoT
By Edna Conway It is no secret that the proliferation of connected devices and sensors has introduced new and growing security challenges across every industry and enterprise. Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Tackling the Growing Threat Landscape of ICS and the IIoT
By Edna Conway It is no secret that the proliferation of connected devices and sensors has introduced new and growing security challenges across every industry and enterprise. Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Using Threat Intelligence Effectively in Security Automation and Orchestration with DFLabs and Cisco Security
By Jessica Bair When a security incident occurs, it is unlikely that the entire scope and chain of events will be obvious from the outset. Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Using Threat Intelligence Effectively in Security Automation and Orchestration with DFLabs and Cisco Security
By Jessica Bair When a security incident occurs, it is unlikely that the entire scope and chain of events will be obvious from the outset. Source:: Cisco Security Notice
Jetzt wird’s .sport-lich
2017 wurde auf dem internationalen Sport-Markt ein Umsatz von 990 Milliarden US-Dollar generiert (Quelle: statista.com). Eine beeindruckende Größe, die .SPORT zu einer vielversprechenden new gTLD macht. .SPORT – aktuell in der Sunrise Phase – ist eine „community-based“ TLD für die weltweite Sport-Gemeinschaft (Verbände, Athleten, Medien, Sponsoren etc.). Hinweis: Um die Community-Zugehörigkeit anzuzeigen, muss bei der Registrierung angegeben […]
War Games: A WOPR of a Security Test (part 1)
By Tim (Wadhwa-)Brown In what was an interesting change to the usual technical and risk/compliance focused consultancy, the Team carried out a War Games exercise – similar to a „Red Team“ engagement. Source:: Cisco Security Notice
War Games: A WOPR of a Security Test (part 1)
By Tim (Wadhwa-)Brown In what was an interesting change to the usual technical and risk/compliance focused consultancy, the Team carried out a War Games exercise – similar to a „Red Team“ engagement. Source:: Cisco Security Notice