SigAnalyzer: Signature analysis with CASC

By Talos Group Executive summary ClamAV Signature Creator (CASC) is an IDA Pro plugin that assists in the creation of ClamAV pattern signatures. We have enhanced this plugin to also analyze these signatures…. Source:: Cisco Security Notice

SigAnalyzer: Signature analysis with CASC

By Talos Group Executive summary ClamAV Signature Creator (CASC) is an IDA Pro plugin that assists in the creation of ClamAV pattern signatures. We have enhanced this plugin to also analyze these signatures…. Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Back to school with the Cisco Umbrella Chromebook client

By Casey Ulaky Announcing the Cisco Umbrella Chromebook client! With the Umbrella Chromebook client, you can protect your Chromebook users from threats on the internet, no matter where they are. Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Back to school with the Cisco Umbrella Chromebook client

By Casey Ulaky Announcing the Cisco Umbrella Chromebook client! With the Umbrella Chromebook client, you can protect your Chromebook users from threats on the internet, no matter where they are. Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Lange Startzeit bei Ihrer Telefonanlage? Nicht mit innovaphone

Lange Startzeit bei Ihrer Telefonanlage? Nicht mit innovaphone Sie haben Änderungen an Ihrer Telefonanlage vornehmen lassen und müssen länger bleiben, weil der Neustart so lange dauert, dass er nicht während der Arbeitszeit durchgeführt werden kann? Dann wird es Zeit für unsere modernen innovaphone-Systeme und pünktlichen Feierabend für Sie. Der Start einer IP411 dauert beispielsweise nur […]

Cracking the Code – How to Measure the Real Value of Information Security Management

By Steve Martino Measuring the success and value of an information security organization is a perennial challenge. To help address that challenge, Cisco has developed a process to consistently capture and quantify losses from security incidents and compare them against an established industry benchmark Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cracking the Code – How to Measure the Real Value of Information Security Management

By Steve Martino Measuring the success and value of an information security organization is a perennial challenge. To help address that challenge, Cisco has developed a process to consistently capture and quantify losses from security incidents and compare them against an established industry benchmark Source:: Cisco Security Notice