By Talos Group These vulnerabilities were discovered by Carlos Pacho of Cisco Talos Today, Talos is disclosing several vulnerabilities that have been identified in Moxa EDR-810 industrial secure router. Moxa EDR-810 is an

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post was authored by Xabier Ugarte Pedrero In July 2017 we released PyREBox, a Python Scriptable Reverse Engineering Sandbox as an open source tool. This project is part

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group This post was authored by Xabier Ugarte Pedrero In July 2017 we released PyREBox, a Python Scriptable Reverse Engineering Sandbox as an open source tool. This project is part

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Vulnerabilities discovered by Tyler Bohan from Talos Overview Talos is disclosing three remote code execution vulnerabilities in the NASA CFITSIO library. CFITSIO is a library of C and Fortran subroutines

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Vulnerabilities discovered by Tyler Bohan from Talos Overview Talos is disclosing three remote code execution vulnerabilities in the NASA CFITSIO library. CFITSIO is a library of C and Fortran subroutines

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Amy Henderson The data center of today is dynamic yet complex. The constant evolution of new infrastructure, applications, distributed systems, and users has made the demands on the data center acute. Add

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Amy Henderson The data center of today is dynamic yet complex. The constant evolution of new infrastructure, applications, distributed systems, and users has made the demands on the data center acute. Add

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Oberberg-Online empfiehlt die neue Jabra Engage-Serie. Headsets für den Büroalltag mit hohem Tragekomfort (bis zu 5 Varianten), langer Akku-Laufzeit über den gesamten Arbeitstag, hoher Reichweite und Funkdichte, sowie hervorragendem Klang.

Hier gibt’s die technischen Daten zum Engage 75.


Die Jabra Engage-Serie bietet:

  • Bis zu 150 Meter schnurlose Reichweite
  • Dreifache Funkdichte
  • Geräuschunterdrückendes Mikrofon
  • Ganztägige Akkulaufzeit
  • Intergriertes Busylight
  • Verbindung mit bis zu fünf Geräten
  • Unterschiedliche Tragestile zur Auswahl

By Talos Group Discovered by Lilith Wyatt of Cisco Talos Overview Talos is disclosing several vulnerabilities identified in Simple DirectMedia Layer’s SDL2_Image library that could allow code execution. Simple DirectMedia Layer is a

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

By Talos Group Discovered by Lilith Wyatt of Cisco Talos Overview Talos is disclosing several vulnerabilities identified in Simple DirectMedia Layer’s SDL2_Image library that could allow code execution. Simple DirectMedia Layer is a

Source:: Cisco Security Notice